I’m new to ASHP having only had the system fitted in June of this year and only started using it in September. I read previously that the Ecodan 13Kw system should run at around 300% efficiency i.e. consume 1 unit of electrical energy and deliver 3 units of heat energy.
The installer didn’t provide any advice on how to use the system on completion just said that its all set up to go.
My problem is that in November for example the DHW has consumed 59kWh and delivered 93kWh of energy whilst the heating system consumed 410 kWh and delivered 303 kWh. By my reckoning this is a negative COP on the heating side.
The system is set to auto adapt with the weather compensation curve in the background. The system is set at 16C and scheduled to kick in during the period 05.00 to 10.00 and again at 17.00 to 20.00 just to provide heat whilst the log burners kick in. I’ve noticed that on occasions the electric heater icon is showing on the controller screen.
Is there something obvious that I’m missing? Any advice would be appreciated.