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Meter in kitchen cupboard 

I have had earth reading of 400 the electrician got to 1.2 . The electrician was called because my kettle and air fryer tripped the box on several occasions.  I was asked to speak to the supplier regarding earthing then they will return to upgrade consumer box. The meter is positioned under a cupboard in the kitchen with  consumer boards behind on opposite wall. Would it be ok to

leave meter where it is or advised to meter  ( what if I wanted ev later) terrace property also has solar PV 

Hi @S1Gaz52 , obviously we can only give our opinions here. You will need to get professional advise. 
From what I can see and from what you’ve said there is a problem with the earth but it may be nothing to do with the main feed to the premises. 
Do you know if it is a PME or TT system? If TT then it could be supplemented locally with more earth rods/grid. If PME then an electrician can test the main earth connection and also look at the Potential fault current level. 
The internal wiring is more likely to be a cause of any leakage. This can also be tested by an electrician. 
The meter position, all other things being equal, shouldn’t be a problem - not sure of the relative position to outside for an EV charger. 

I’ve also just had a chat with a DNO. They’ve confirmed that the earth wire is not the responsibility of your supplier. Depending on where the fault is, it’s either the DNO or yourself who would be responsible. It ultimately depends on whether it’s a fault with the Main Fuse, or with your consumer unit.

Taking another look this morning, I can now see what I presume is the earth connection 

It looks as if there is a cable clamp to the sheath of the incoming main feed. This might be what your electrician was talking about. If this is too high a resistance, it needs checking/replacing. 
Presuming that the connection is part of the supply provision (being where it is connected), and before the main fuse, your local DNO will need to test and repair. 
You can find your local DNO here

I can see our Community Members have given some really helpful advice here, please keep us posted with how you get on @S1Gaz52 

Thanks for all you comments awaiting DNO to see if they can resolve as the electrician put it back on the mains earth and something keeps tripping the electric even without the use of all the heavy hitters eg kettles dishwasher ,washing machine and air fryer and dryer.

once this is completed then will get electrician to update consumer box to latest spec.

Thanks for all you comments awaiting DNO to see if they can resolve as the electrician put it back on the mains earth and something keeps tripping the electric even without the use of all the heavy hitters eg kettles dishwasher ,washing machine and air fryer and dryer.

It will be interesting to know what they find. 
Don’t forget that the trips (RCCB or similar) actually measure the current flowing in the live and the current flowing in the negative to look at any difference .. it’s this difference that causes the trip (often called earth leakage) as it’s assumed that the difference is flowing to earth. 
It’s likely that there’s a fault on whichever circuits are causing the trip unless there’s a fault with the trip itself  


Don’t forget that the trips (RCCB or similar) actually measure the current glowing in the live ... 


I think if the live wire were glowing, things would be a bit more serious ...

Don’t forget that the trips (RCCB or similar) actually measure the current glowing in the live ... 


I think if the live wire were glowing, things would be a bit more serious ...

🤦‍♂️ corrected .. although 🤔

What have the DNO advised @S1Gaz52? Are they taking responsibility for this?
