Now my smart meter shows gas too, I notice without using any hot water nor central heating, when the boiler pumps water around the rads for around 90 secs (I gather it’s to help stop the rads silting up), it also lights up during that time, though the outflow pipe hardly gets warm. The result is 0.15kwh of gas used, EVERY HOUR or so.
No gas is used when the boiler is switched off.
Does burning gas help prevent silting up?
Or are boiler makers just oblivious to waste?
Can I somehow stop the gas usage when it’s just pumping around?
(Even in winter the central heating is off at night, so why use gas then?)
What’s the risk to the silt situation (I have filters) of keeping the boiler switched
off when not in use (like all summer just turning it on for hot water)?
thanks Danny