We have a heat pump installed but Ovo still charge us the gas standing charge even though we paid them to remove our gas meter and cap the pipes, no one we have spoken to seem to understand that we no longer use gas only electric. It's a real disincentive to having a heat pump, we are trying to be green and do the right thing so this has really upset us as bills are so high as it is. Has anyone experienced similar?
Have air source heat pump but still have to pay gas standing charge?
Best answer by Tim_OVO
Updated on 07/08/24 by ChristopherS_OVO
Please see this topic which outlines what you need to get done with removing a gas meter and supply:
If you’re confident the gas supply has been disconnected and removed (not just capped), you shouldn’t be paying a standing charge. If you have, it should be refunded. Please reach out to our Supply team to discuss.
In the article you linked to 'Thinking about removing your gas supply?' it outlines the work we had done by Ovo which cost about £100 which was removal of the meter and capping the pipes (please see attached pictures). This is what I understood to be disconnected which is what the article implies also. Can you advise if there is anything else we need to do?

What is a 'capped meter'?
This does not refer to a disconnection or dead supply. A capped meter refers to a gas supply that has been cut-off by inserting some sort of physical block into the ECV (Emergency Cutout Valve) or pipework leading to the meter.
Why are gas meters capped?
Meters can be capped for a number of reasons:
- Unsafe situations, e.g. a leak on the meter that can't be fixed
- Vacant properties, e.g. a property's been unoccupied for some time the electricity and gas supplies will be disconnected / capped
- Theft of gas, e.g. a customer has tampered with their gas meter
- Collections, e.g. customer refuses to pay
- Installations, e.g. during a reposition an engineer may cap the meter once they have exchanged it to ensure there is no risk of gas escape before the member gets a gas safety engineer to connect the meter back up to their boiler
In your case, the meter is gone, so you shouldn’t be paying standing charges.
Next steps once the meter is removed: our advisor should request from our back office a process called a 'voluntary withdrawal', which removes the supply on Xoserve (the national gas database).
The gas transporter will also check with the customer 6-12 months from becoming supplier-less to see if they have any need for gas at the property. But either way from the date the supply is removed, those standing charges will stop.
Are you able to link this topic in an online chat? If you don’t have any luck, I’ll bring in the Forum_Support team.
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