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I was wondering if there is any mechanism by which I could make a small contribution to the energy bill of someone who is vulnerable or struggling to make ends meet. I don’t think anyone would describe us as wealthy, but we have enough to live on and some left over most months and we could during the winter months possible contribute a bit to someone less fortunate. Does anyone know if this is possible through Ovo? Thanks for your attention. 

Hey @bentrovato ,

Not within OVO, but I’m pretty sure there’s one somewhere. @juliamc I forgot which one it was but I think you know the one I mean. It’s the one people can donate EBSS money to.

Ooh no - sorry - that doesn’t ring any bells with me.

No worries. I can probably find it again. If memory serves, I THINK it was this one National Energy Action.

Yes OVO do suggest that scheme 

