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OVO Anytime installation with a Tesla EV and ICS Charger

  • February 25, 2025
  • 5 replies


Hi, I am relatively new to the EV arena, so any help on this would be great. Recently installed a ICS charger and set up my new OVO anytime account with my Tesla, when you look on the Apps, everything appears as it should. I tried the set-up last night and when I got up this morning no charging had taken place.

I understand that OVO talks directly to the Tesla and tell it when to start charging based on the lower cost energy rate, but how does the ICS charger need to be set-up to tie into all this?



Best answer by Abby_OVO

Hey ​@KevinP 


I’m glad to see a couple of our community members have already stopped by to help out here.


As both have mentioned, ICS are not compatible chargers, but you can find a full list of compatible chargers here.


Blastoise186 wrote:

Hi ​@KevinP ,

ICS Chargers aren’t compatible and if you’re connected to Charge Anytime via your Tesla, are irrelevant anyway - everything is being done purely via the Tesla in your case (as it should be!).

As mentioned, you must disable ALL manually set schedules in both Tesla and Charger to avoid conflict. If you still don’t get lucky, give the team a call on 0330 175 9678 and they can dig the logs for you.


If you do have trouble setting up, do reach out to the team for help. 


How to get in contact with the Charge Anytime team


  • Charge Anytime - 0330 175 9678 (Option 1 new customers/option 2 existing customers) 



We’ve got a few helpful topics on the Forum which may also be helpful:



Let us know how you get on.

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5 replies

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 29 replies
  • February 25, 2025

I don’t think that the ICS charger is one of those supported by OVO but that should not matter if you are charging by reference to the vehicle and your charger is a mere ‘conduit’.

The starting point would be to check that all timings (ie hours when either the vehicle or the charger accepts electricity) have been removed.

if that doesn’t work I think it’s a support issue to check and perhaps reset your vehicles registration with OVO.


Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 25, 2025

Hi ​@KevinP ,

ICS Chargers aren’t compatible and if you’re connected to Charge Anytime via your Tesla, are irrelevant anyway - everything is being done purely via the Tesla in your case (as it should be!).

As mentioned, you must disable ALL manually set schedules in both Tesla and Charger to avoid conflict. If you still don’t get lucky, give the team a call on 0330 175 9678 and they can dig the logs for you.

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  • February 25, 2025

Hey ​@KevinP 


I’m glad to see a couple of our community members have already stopped by to help out here.


As both have mentioned, ICS are not compatible chargers, but you can find a full list of compatible chargers here.


Blastoise186 wrote:

Hi ​@KevinP ,

ICS Chargers aren’t compatible and if you’re connected to Charge Anytime via your Tesla, are irrelevant anyway - everything is being done purely via the Tesla in your case (as it should be!).

As mentioned, you must disable ALL manually set schedules in both Tesla and Charger to avoid conflict. If you still don’t get lucky, give the team a call on 0330 175 9678 and they can dig the logs for you.


If you do have trouble setting up, do reach out to the team for help. 


How to get in contact with the Charge Anytime team


  • Charge Anytime - 0330 175 9678 (Option 1 new customers/option 2 existing customers) 



We’ve got a few helpful topics on the Forum which may also be helpful:



Let us know how you get on.

  • Author
  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • February 26, 2025

Thanks everyone for your input, I spoke with ICS helpdesk yesterday and the guy was extremely responsive and helpful and explained that for the Ovo app to take control, the charger needs to be set to be an "open" charger, meaning the charger tries to start charging as soon as you plugin, but the Ovo app then puts a halt to this until the cheap tariff allows charging. He gave me the settings that I had to apply to the EV Charger and everything is now fine, had my first successful overnight charge last night..


Thanks again everyone for your assistance and help on this matter.

Peter E
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  • 324 replies
  • February 26, 2025

The other term for open charger is dumb charger (or charge point) and smart chargers can often be set to that (worth some research that it can be) or a lot of the old school chargers like the early Rolec.


As a note on terms: Charger strictly refers to a process of converting AC mains to DC for the battery contained within the car. Charge Point refers to the negotiated connection unit between the mains and the AC input on the car. But then again only pedants would get upset about using the wrong term 😱


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