This shows the Month of April up to now. Wallbox info on the left and OVO Anytime info on the right. If you add them both up, you end up with almost exactly the same numbers total. So why are they so incredibly different day to day and how do they end up nearly the same at the end ???? Why is this so confusing? It looks like the Kona is often charging outside the Anytime schedule and by this I mean, the car is charging, but if I go to the Anytime App on my phone, it’s showing the schedule as due to start in several hours time. The reason this gives me more doubt and confusion is that doing the same comparison as above (Wallbox vs OVO readings) before I owned the Kona, which is just a month now and only owned a Tesla, the readings were about 30% apart, showing the OVO readings as much higher than the Wallbox. Which makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
Sorry for the ramble and I hope someone understands this.