I have a Kia Niro EV and a Pod Point charger. After some initial incomplete transactions, I now seem to have the system working OK, but the savings are lower than expected.
To avoid peak rates, I started the last two chargings at around 1:00 to 1:30 am each time, with the car itself set to charge to a maximum of 80% - both times from existing levels of around 40%. As expected, the details shown by my PodPoint App show charge amounts of 30kWh each time over around 4 hrs each time - so finishing well before 7 a.m.
For 30 kWh the Charge Anytime rate of 7.07p/kWh compared with my OVO rate of 27. 07p/kWh gives a saving rate of 20p/kWh, so I expected to see saving of around £6.00 for each charge. However, in my Charge Anytime App, savings are shown as around £4.00 each time.
When I sent copies of my data to Charge Anytime at OVO, I received a reply containing the following:
Comparison with vehicle manufacturer and charger apps have in some cases shown discrepancies, that suggest customers are missing out on savings accrued from Charge Anytime. It’s worth noting that in each of these situations there are no absolute truths as the vehicle and charger manufacturers will all estimate figures in a different way, with varying accuracy.