
How do I reconnect an electricity supply for a property which has been empty for some time?

  • 9 March 2022
  • 4 replies

Property has been empty for some time, and I want to get my electricity supply reconnected. How do I get this done? I’ve already called three different numbers and im pushed from pillar to post.



Best answer by Jess_OVO 10 March 2022, 14:56

View original

4 replies

Userlevel 1

Take a look here they should be able to point you in right direction

Userlevel 1

Try here

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @Rob Tai ,

I remember that there was a glitch with the number for SSE that you’d need for this. Would you be OK to hang in there for a bit while I ask @Jess_OVO to verify the correct contact info?

Nice photo by the way :)

Userlevel 7

Updated on 13/09/23 by Abby_OVO: 


What a lovely photo, @Rob Tai.


Just to clarify, as you mention the electricity supply is currently disconnected, is there still an electricity meter on-site? If so it may be a case of finding out who supplies this meter to get an account set-up with them and the electricity back up and running. You can check this by contacting your DNO - more details here.


If there’s no meter at the moment, this would require a new supply to be set-up. OVO Energy can now take on new connections. Some details of what to do is below:


Is a new connection needed?


If you have a supply number already (MPAN for electricity, MPAN for gas) and a meter attached, you already have a new connection and you can switch via the normal way online (when available).

Are you a domestic customer?

  • Are you a domestic customer who will be living at the property
    • If no: we can only offer a new connection to domestic customers who'll be living at the property. 
    • If yes: continue to the next section below


Request a new connection

  1. We’ll need to have a check that you have the supporting infrastructure in place (as we'll only be joining the meter to the connections):
    • Electricity: cabling from the mains should already be on site
    • Gas: pipework from the gas main in the street should be on site
  2. If the main connections are available, our Support team can request a new connection from our operations team.


What you should know

  • We'll complete a few checks and confirm the date for an engineer visit
    • Please look out for this and contact us if the date isn't suitable
  • If we arrive and can't complete the new connection, we'll let you know why and next steps needed to resolve the issue
  • We'll install smart meters by default, and they'll be in pay monthly (credit/PAYM) setting
  • If you want a prepayment (PAYG) meter, we'll:
    • Install as pay monthly first
    • Check the meters are working correctly (so we don't leave you without supply)
    • Switch them to a PAYG tariff and account
    • Add any debt accrued in the PAYM setting, set at a repayment rate aligned with our current processes


Hope that helps!
