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Why does my meter that shows how much energy I am using per day per week per month show less than the actual.meter does for example appliance says I have used say £15 a month actual meter in the cupboard that exports the reading says I have used £25 a month.  When the little gadget thing goes to midnight it registers about 1 pence then suddenly jumps to 74 pence even though there is on the fridge freezer on as we are usually going to bed.  I have oil central heating.  Thank you

Hi @Joanjimmy , there might be a difference due to the standing charge. This would also account for the sudden jump as your IHD adds the standing charge usually early each day

Hey @Joanjimmy 


Like BPLightlog said, the jump around midnight could very well be the Standing Charges being applied each day. 


Regarding the difference in price you see in the IHD compared to the meter, this may be due to the tariff rates not being correctly updated on your meter. You can check the correct rates on your account and on your plan, and contact the Support Team if these don’t match.
