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You’re a Power Move pioneer and your feedback is important to us. We’re always looking for ways to make Power Move better for you and the planet.


Did you know? In the spring and summer months, we tend to use electricity later in the day. That means the demand on the grid is higher later in the day too. In the spring and summer months the peak times move from 4-7pm.


We want to hear from you. Please fill in this short survey to let us know what Power Move time slots would work best for you.

So here is something I’ve found out about Power Move that I wasn’t sure of. I didn’t think E7 users were allowed to join PM but they can so I’ve signed my mother-in-law up and that went ok. However, she (and me as I get forwarded copies) keep on getting emails asking her to join so I wasn’t sure whether she had joined or not. It transpires that she has joined because she got an email today (4th September to say she failed to meet the criteria - 20.89% use during peak). This should come right when she uses the storage heating later on so that is not the issue.


The issue is getting emails to join when she has already joined. Not a biggy but it could be confusing to people who think they have joined. More about tidying up round the edges if you like.






We moved her DTS switch over to a Smart meter earlier this year which went flawlessly and the local lad doing it was fantastic. And he drives an Electric OVO van as well. Good to see those being used.

So this is an impossible task. IV been away for over a month and apparently I used too much energy to even get £2 off my bill what a joke! The only thing that has been using energy is the fridge freezer and a fish tank. What do you have to do to manage to save enough energy to get the ten pound of ? Turn the power of at the fuse box? Joking aside unfortunately I do believe there will be people who a so desperate to save money they would do this. These promotions need think about and making achievable for those who really are worried about how much there bills are. 

Ovo installed my smart meter so if it’s not sending enough data for power move, how can i be sure that the data for my bills is correct? 


There are data, and then there are data. Power Move makes its calculations on the basis of half-hourly usage data, which OVO tries to retrieve from your meter once a day. This retrieval may not be completely successful, so it will be repeated - but not ad infinitum. At some stage, the data collector will give up trying. If a record isn’t there, there’s no point trying again and again to retrieve it.

Your bills are calculated solely from readings of the meter register(s), and there only need to be two of them - start and end of the billing period. Again, OVO will collect these once a day. Only if the end-of-period reading doesn’t turn up will the billing system make an estimate, but even in this case it would be corrected on the following period’s bill. 

Power Move requires that (most of the) ~1400 usage figures are available. Billing only needs two figures.


… don’t the smart meters store the data and send when the connection is established. 


Yes, the meter stores usage data for 13 months and readings for a month. Only the supplier can access the readings, but anyone with authorization can get the usage data.



So this is an impossible task. IV been away for over a month and apparently I used too much energy to even get £2 off my bill what a joke! The only thing that has been using energy is the fridge freezer and a fish tank. What do you have to do to manage to save enough energy to get the ten pound of ? Turn the power of at the fuse box? Joking aside unfortunately I do believe there will be people who a so desperate to save money they would do this. These promotions need think about and making achievable for those who really are worried about how much there bills are. 

*sigh* Power Move IS NOT about reducing your usage, has as been said about a million times.  It matters not a jot that you have been away as your usage would have been pretty flat over a 24h period.  Therefore you have not MOVED any usage from peak to off-peak which is what power move is about

I also don’t see how the name could make it any more obvious because it’s quite literally the worlds most obvious clue: Power MOVE, not Power SHUTDOWN.

I’m sorry to say this, but you’ve gotta read da rules before you start playing the game!

Apologies if this offends anyone, but OVO, myself, @fancyabrew @Firedog and basically a dozen other Forum regulars have said this a bazillion times and it really grinds our gears when people don’t seem to get the message.

Something tells me this is not The Good Place


(An in joke if you’ve watched the Netflix series)

I feel that the Green Energy is a bit of a joke. I was holiday for three and a half weeks during August and my bill came to under £5.00 per week or if you like under £20.00 for the month, yet I am informed I failed to reach the target for peak hour use. Just what do you have to do to reach this target/ I feel that if you reach zero you would still fail.  

I feel that the Green Energy is a bit of a joke. I was holiday for three and a half weeks during August and my bill came to under £5.00 per week or if you like under £20.00 for the month, yet I am informed I failed to reach the target for peak hour use. Just what do you have to do to reach this target/ I feel that if you reach zero you would still fail.  

@Tab Did you actually read the previous few comments? It seems you probably didn’t, so I’ll repeat one of them.


*sigh* Power Move IS NOT about reducing your usage, has as been said about a million times.  It matters not a jot that you have been away as your usage would have been pretty flat over a 24h period.  Therefore you have not MOVED any usage from peak to off-peak which is what power move is about


@Tab As has been said so so so many times above it is about actively MOVING your usage out of the peak into the non-peak hours.


Putting it another way don't use so much in the peak times as you do at other times. Actively MOVE your usage. Don't just reduce all of it.


Putting it another way

Midnight to start of peak hours - you can use LOADS of energy


Start of peak to end of peak - Use as LITTLE as possible


End of peak to Midnight - Use LOADS of energy


It really is that simple



There appears to be an issue about not reading the rules. It’s a bit like getting another car. Do you read the manual for the car? Well, if you don’t you miss out on the new features. From 2005 the Ford Fiesta (and probably others) had a feature on the wiper delay which meant you could reprogram the delay time ** from its default of ten seconds. Other cars have a rotary control to change that. It wasn’t until I accidentally changed it that I realised it was a new feature. It was clearly shown in the manual.


The reality is that if you don’t read and understand the rules you stand a good chance of not meeting the rules and missing out on the benefits to an add on for your account. So it would appear that the assumption was that you get the reward if you reduce your total consumption when in fact it’s more subtle that that. On top of that when the times were changed this was also not registered by some.




** When the wiper is in delay mode (default is about 10 seconds) just after the wiper has parked itself again, switch it off for a period of time equal to the new delay time then back on again (back to delay). The wiper will then operate with the new delay time. The maximum value is about 15 seconds. You can get it down to about 1 second.

Right, here's how it works. On a daily basis, as I see it.

The 3 hrs of "POWER MOVE" 6-9pm is measured against the electricity you have used for the rest of the day.

So, if you are away, you are using no extra electricity (cooking, washing, showering, TV etc) so the 3hrs of "POWER MOVE" is exactly the same all through the day.

100% of 0 is 0.

You have to use it before 6pm and then don't use it for 3hrs. 

I hope that makes it a bit clearer. Not all of us are brain boxes. It took a little while for me to get my head round it. 

I'm a low user so I only manage to get £2 a month. However the winter hours suit me better, hitting the £10 goal quite easily. 

Hope this helps and good luck.



Just a heads up @Jackie Chapman ,

It’s currently 6pm-9pm for the Summer Challenge. It’ll likely swap back to 4pm-7pm once we get into Autumn/Winter. :)

Just a heads up @Jackie Chapman ,

It’s currently 6pm-9pm for the Summer Challenge. It’ll likely swap back to 4pm-7pm once we get into Autumn/Winter. :)

Sorry. My point is that not everyone is perfect. 

Right, here's how it works. On a daily basis, as I see it.

The 3 hrs of "POWER MOVE" 7-9pm is measured against the electricity you have used for the rest of the day.

So, if you are away, you are using no extra electricity (cooking, washing, showering, TV etc) so the 3hrs of "POWER MOVE" is exactly the same all through the day.

100% of 0 is 0.

You have to use it before 7pm and then don't use it for 3hrs. 

I hope that makes it a bit clearer. Not all of us are brain boxes. It took a little while for me to get my head round it. 

I'm a low user so I only manage to get £2 a month. However the winter hours suit me better, hitting the £10 goal quite easily. 

Hope this helps and good luck.



Sorry guys I meant 6pm to 9pm. 

Hey @Jackie Chapman


I'm glad to hear that you've found a way to meet the target that suits you! It's a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it and understand it, you can see the benefits! 

If you have any hints or tips for others, then don't hesitate to share them. 😃

With solar panels working over time during the summer at this time of day and being away on holiday for almost the whole month of August, one is never going to reach the targets set so for me it is a waste of time

As we’ve said though, you need to be actively playing the game as intended in order to earn Power Move credits. If you’re away, you’re considered to be inactive and not playing the game. That is why you didn’t get anything.

You must MOVE USAGE to win this game, NOT turn everything off all day.

Common sense == The Rules in this case.
