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I have just moved house, and found that it has a pre pay meter (I was told it was a credit meter), but there is no key, and I have very little electric and everywhere is shut today and tomorrow.

Is there anything that can be done to help?

I have tried ringing my previous supplier. Their meter support team gave me a number for OVO, but they are closed.

I am getting a bit desperate 

Use OVOs social media channels. They're monitored every day

Hey @ProfPhil 


Sorry to hear about this.


Did you speak with the Support Team on social media and get everything sorted?

The pages for ovo social media channels  are

Everything is sorted.

I must say thank you to the meter support at Shell, as they were the ones who told me it was an OVO meter.

Then I must say a bigger thank you to OVO support who told me it was a subdivision of OVO called boom, or boost (it began with a B 😁) that were responsible for the meter. A very helpful OVO agent transferred me to the appropriate support person (also really helpful)who sorted me out a new account and tried to get a key arranged for me. Unfortunately it seemed that for some reason a replacement key was not an option  So she arranged for an extremely helpful engineer to visit me and fit a new smart meter. I will speak to people tomorrow to set up my direct debit, but for now, I have electricity, I also have hot water, I have all the amenities that make for civilisation. I also found out that everyone at OVO are helpful to the extreme, and go above and beyond to provide brilliant service. 

Thank you to everyone 👍😁

Hey @ProfPhil 


That’s really lovely to hear all of that feedback about all of the different departments you encountered along the way. I’m glad you had a good experience getting this sorted!😊
