
Why has my final bill charged me beyond my move-out date?

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27 replies

Hi Jeffus,

Thanks for this. I’ve just sent yet another email to complaints and copied in Raman’s team, in the hope that someone will respond. I hadn’t thought about ringing the collections team, so thanks for that suggestion, which I will do tomorrow. It’s exhausting dealing with this company. Feels like an endurance test for what should be such a simple fix. Anyway, really appreciate your help and suggestions.

Userlevel 7
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Hi Jeffus,

Thanks for this. I’ve just sent yet another email to complaints and copied in Raman’s team, in the hope that someone will respond. I hadn’t thought about ringing the collections team, so thanks for that suggestion, which I will do tomorrow. It’s exhausting dealing with this company. Feels like an endurance test for what should be such a simple fix. Anyway, really appreciate your help and suggestions.

Feel free to keep posting your progress and queries. There are quite a few regular posters around.

You may find the ovo moderators post a reply to this thread tomorrow. They can't access your account but often sign post useful information. 

Good luck! 
