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Switching to OVO but online account not fully active - is switch complete?


We switched to OVO at the beginning of April but the switch still hasn't completed. We can't use the app to submit meter readings and the website keeps saying 'you're direct debit will be confirmed on..'

Any suggestions?

Thank you 

29 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @doyensnr , although it doesn’t help with your account access, presumably you know your energy plan details (price per kWh) and hopefully start readings from your records?

You can check the current meter readings and calculate your own energy costs just to check. I realise that you shouldn’t need to but without it might help for now. 

Userlevel 7

Hey @doyensnr,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


I wonder if there is an issue with the details for setting the account up or the change perhaps hasn’t yet completed.


I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out. 

I have an account number but I can’t set up an online account, because I am not fully migrated.

My problem is how and where can I send ,My meter readings, so I can see how my account stands at the present time. because I have been using,heating and general power,since moving from SSE on August, so it must be mounting up a fair bit.

Thanks Ian.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Unusual to hear your account hasn't fully migrated

Try the online chat feature.

Type Meter Reading

I think it will ask you for your account number and let you enter the Reading from memory 
