
Why is my online account credit balance dropping every day?

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My account was healthy this morning no problems it was only this afternoon problems occurred, can you not reach out to contacts at Ovo to see what the problem is, I have taken screenshots of everything on my account where you have the usage and bar charts that is fine it shows my cost to date which are correct, it just not show on the bills. Thank you


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It’s already switching


Userlevel 7
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@Tim_OVO will see this in the morning 

Userlevel 1

I have this this message 

Meter readings

No Active Meters

There are no longer any meters associated to this account all my meter readings have gone, I am not able

 ro submit a final reading,


Your meter readings

Sorry, we’re having trouble showing this right now. Please check back later.


Userlevel 1

I now have these messages not able to submit a final reading, 

Your meter readings

Sorry, we’re having trouble showing this right now. Please check back later.


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@Kittykat59 Hi, did you give Octopus a starting reading? That is the first thing i would do if you haven't already. 

Userlevel 1

I did through my octopus app yesterday they said I have to submit another from the 2nd, which I will do , this is causing a load of stress and my husband suffers from anxiety I did submit a reading online at Ovo yesterday, I am so worrried, how can they remove readings off official bills these are now over written, and also removed the list of readings submitted for gas and electric, I wish I had downloaded my original bills was going to yesterday morning, but decided to leave till later in the day.

Userlevel 1

Yes I did yesterday which is on the system, of both companies octopus say I have to submit another from the 2nd when they will officially my supplier

Userlevel 1

thank you to everyone to is replying, I do understand that you don’t work for OVO.


Your 2022 energy use


Cost to date






kWh to date







Payments made 1163 balance on my account yesterday morning first thing about 298.00 in credit, now  789.00 in credit , which is incorrect as they have removed all my electric costs off my bills since April except standing charges and all bills say no meter readings which I have proof of and how would they know my costs, I am worried they are going to dispute meter reading when they get it from octopus. I am being advise to go to Resolva .


Ovo are causing me so much stress, I am sure it’s not right to alter offical bills

Userlevel 7
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@Kittykat59 easy for me to say, but I really wouldn’t worry about this. You’ve sent in your reading and octopus are a great company to move to. I’m sure they won’t dispute the next reading. Let’s see what Tim can add. 

**edit** sorry I misread your previous message saying you weren’t able to submit your final OVO reading. However, you have kept your readings up to date every month, so there shouldn’t be a problem. 

Userlevel 7

Hey @Kittykat59,


Sorry for the issues you’re having. 


We don’t have access to your account, so can only speculate as to what may be happening here. It sounds like your previous billing may not have been accurate so your account is being re-billed. The most important thing is to make sure you take some photo’s of your meters so that when you are re-billed it’s accurate and we have actual readings. 


As you didn’t download any statements, this may mean you never had one produced. That your credit balance was building for this reason and you’ve now been billed. When did you last submit an actual reading? Could it be that when you came over to OVO your account was opened to an inaccurate meter reading, which was later amended and now you have a corrected bill? 



With the switching process your new supplier will ask for an opening reading (please ensure you do this, as otherwise it’ll be estimated). That meter reading will then be sent to OVO to close your account. We’ll close to the exact same reading they open to, to ensure you don’t pay twice. Once you receive your final bill from OVO and credit you are owed will be automatically refunded. This process should automatically resolve any statement issues. We have a helpful guide on this topic:



Hope this helps. 

Userlevel 1

Thank you for your reply Emanuelle, for your reply I do appreciate it, but not sure it is the case here regular readings have been submitted  every month, bill were raised as I looked at them every month but did not download then my DD was always a bit it more than I was paying and some months I put a bit extra in the projection by debit card, for my gas were way out and someone on here suggested I submitted more reading so that they could get a time line, account was fine until I applied to switch, Reading 3/05 70521


Userlevel 1

Every thing is back, in credit by an extra 185.00 as they think DD paid they know it’s not, but it will catch up, true credit credit 268 will pay my couple of days bill my bills are back, only the list of meter reading missing , but long as bill ok

Userlevel 7
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That’s great 👏🏻 All good to go then !! Download anything for your own records too. Let us know how the switch goes from now - you don’t have to be an OVO customer to be on the forum. Hope you get a good night’s sleep !!

Userlevel 1

Thank you all



OVO have calculated that I should be paying £230 a month for our electricity but we are using on average a fraction of this over the last 3 months as calculated by them on the basis of our submitted meter readings. I am perplexed that in the monthly bill our balance is falling month on month even though the amount we pay in is over double what our total electricity charge is per month.  So our monthly balance is falling month on month even though the amount we are paying in exceeds our use by at least £100 a month. Anyone else having this problem. I am struggling to get through to OVO to get an explanation. I am actually thinking of changing to another company because this does not make much sense to me. Im posting this here because I cannot get through to OVO to discuss




Ignore the above. I have sorted it all out 


Userlevel 7

Hey @DHS58,


I’m glad your issue is resolved now,


Do come back to the Forum in future if you have any other questions!


If you ever have a billing query you can post a screenshot of your meter readings and statement, but please make sure not to include any personal information 🙂

I am a customer of OVO energy and my account number is *Edited by Mod*.

On 1 Dec '22 I paid 188.82 electricity bill , but when I checked the next day 65.88 credit amount was showing in my account. So could you please assist me to know why the credit amount got added into my account after paying the bill?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @bhoiteabhilash ,

Please don’t post your account number as this forum is public.

It sounds like you’ve had a £67 EBSS credit, that’s the most likely reason I can think of. Check the Billing History in MyOVO for more info.

Userlevel 1

I payed my remaining bill which was £184 couple days checked the it outstanding off £1.67 payed that  now I have outstanding of  £0.84p anyone know what he'll is happening 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Not sure if you’ve transferred or otherwise @BlueBox but the OVO system tracks usage daily and adjusts your account details. This is probably what you are seeing

How do they track usage if you don’t have a smart meter, I am losing money daily from my balance and when I phoned up last week about it the lad I spoke to couldn’t explain why. He told me that he would find out why and email me the answer which I haven’t received yet. 

Userlevel 7
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It’s all done on estimates. If you send in frequent meter readings that figure will be more accurate. OVO call it their Live billing platform, you still get billed monthly.

Don’t think of it as losing money daily, you are just using electricity daily. Send meter readings or OVO have to guess !!!

I have been trying to get answers as well get a different reasons why this is happening when OVO took over my account from SSE they said it would still be same nothing would change well that's not true my  credit balance was  £500 odds and 16 days later it's £386 I am not happy with OVO they don't make anything easy to see or contact them 👎
