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It’s very minimal but yesterday my balance was more than today?

It changes obviously When bill is due but we’re 3 days away? Any advice please? 

Hi @TessDay ,

Just curious, but do you login to MyOVO with a My OVO ID or an email address? I don’t need to know what they are, just which type you use. This helps me figure out whether you’re on the legacy billing system or the new billing platform.

If you’re on the new one, it’s worth bearing in min that OVO uses a live billing model, so your balance updates in real-time whenever anything changes like standing charges are taken, payments made or meter readings are submitted. You’ll still get the official bill every month as well of course, but the live balance is designed to help you know how much you’ve got left right now between bills, so it’s easier to keep track.

If you look through your Billing History, you should see more details.


I check it regularly as like to see usage


Yup, you’re definitely on the new billing platform then - My OVO ID is a legacy login option that was only ever used with the legacy billing system and it’ll be going away once the old system closes.

It sounds like everything is working as intended, but if you’re still unsure or feel your bills might be wrong, please don’t hesitate to have a chat with OVO’s Support Team and they can take a look for you. Live Chat tends to be the fastest option and you can give them a link to this thread if you’d like to, as it may save you explaining things again.

Thank you, but still doesn’t explain why my balance has dropped a few pounds?

I think there could be an account specific issue in that case. I can’t access your account myself, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you I’m afraid. Support should be able to help though.

Updated on 06/01/25 by Abby_OVO

Hi @TessDay and thanks for the post. Blastoise has nailed this, it sounds like our live daily billing. More info on our guide here:



I would expect your balance to change daily, with usage and standing charges. Even if you don’t have a smart meter that sends us your readings every day (or half an hour), which lets us apply exact daily costs, we’ll work out what your charges would be, and so your balance will change daily either way. 


When your billing summary lands, you’ll see all charges and costs for that period here:

need help every time i phone ovo energy my bill goes up why . i have been trying to contact ovo by phone email chat and they say they offer support but i dont think they do as my husband is a pensioner and im on a low wage . they cant seem to understand that we cant afford £654 month please can anyone give me the right direction to go they keep saying stepchange 

@cooper I can have a go at helping you, I’m only another OVO customer so I can only see what your comments here tell me. If you can add a little more info that will help.

A lot of people have noticed anomalies on their bills if they’ve been transferred from SSE. Is that the case with you? 

Have you signed up with the priority services register?

hi no been a ovo customer for 3 years was £197 for gas elec . then had a smart meter put in and wow bills go up i know thet went up this year but last year mine went up they fix a direct debit then you start paying then next month its jumped again i cant keep up with it 

smart meters are no good every thing was fine 

signed up with the piority services for my husband. but when we say cant afford they say step change thats no good to is as we have just come out of a iva 

Were your earlier bills based on estimates ? Have you always been paying by direct debit ?

always paid by direct debit yes on estamies 

all they keep saying is on our calutions 

You’re not giving me much to go on here, so it’s going to be guesswork.

If your earlier bills were based on estimates then it sounds like they were estimated at too low a level, having said which £197 per month seems high for before prices went up last year. Maybe you could shine some light there please ? What is your heating system ?

Having a smart meter means your bills are now based on correct meter readings not estimates. You can ask the OVO Collections people to set up a payment plan which is more affordable, but it does sound like you’re also paying to catch up previous underpayment.

Direct debits are set up to keep the account in funds. Thankfully as spring is almost here our heating bills will start going down and the direct debit may go down too. I’m not sure if the government have decided to keep the EPG as it’s been since October rather than increase it in April. July prices should be lower.

If I’m wrong about your account please give more details. 

hi we literally had no debt with ovo . we have a brand new boiler . this is my argument with ovo i have tired till im blue in the face they will not set up a payment plan they say my direct debit is going to be £ 654 a month we cant afford that they literally will not help only give us 10 percent discount when i go to direct debit on there app you can set what you want but it will not let me do it 

they will not listen to me 

Without any more actual information about your account I’m not sure I can suggest anything, other than for you to try to reduce your energy usage. 

what would you like to know 

You said your bills were £197 at first then they went up following the smart meter being installed. I think you also said your bills had been estimated (typo permitting).

Can you see that the meter readings from the old meter and the new meter were correctly used for the bill when the meter was changed?

There may have been a debt accrued from the estimated readings.

Was that the case ?

hi there was no debt . i’ve managed to go to change direct debit just now and set it at a more adorable amount see if they accept it 

never saw old meter reading as it was done to quick 

When I say debt I don’t mean you owed OVO money, I mean they may not have been billing you enough. 
When the meter was changed the engineer should have stuck a label on the new one with the meter reading of the old one, and the new one.

no that never happened 

Mine is a label pinned on the backboard next to the meter… the white label bottom left

