
When will I get access to my online account?

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Userlevel 3

Honestly quite tired of being told that I will get access eventually after its been over a year. Not to mention it seems to be 50/50 on whether i’ll get emailed a bill every bill so I just have to pay through banktransfer and hope for the best it reaches my account.

Have you seen anyone on this forum saying that they have been successfully moved to the new billing platform? I haven’t. I gave up waiting in the new year, when it became obvious that ovo was lying about (aka “underestimating”) the time needed to restore online access.

Userlevel 2

Honestly quite tired of being told that I will get access eventually after its been over a year. Not to mention it seems to be 50/50 on whether i’ll get emailed a bill every bill so I just have to pay through banktransfer and hope for the best it reaches my account.

Have you seen anyone on this forum saying that they have been successfully moved to the new billing platform? I haven’t. I gave up waiting in the new year, when it became obvious that ovo was lying about (aka “underestimating”) the time needed to restore online access.

Has anyone actually been migrated to this new billing system yet. This is a complete joke a company as big as OVO cannot transfer a as they say few thousand customers to already running billing system and then access to their bills

May be someone could bring this to light with Martin Lewis on his tv show might give ovo a kick up the backside and some negative feedback

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Here’s a question for you. What would you rather have then?

Be migrated now and get a new online account immediately - but with a HIGH risk of massive data corruption and half the features not work at all?


Wait until the issues are fixed and have things fully work from day one?

Userlevel 2

Why would there be. High risk we only to be put on a account system/ website/ app that is already running for the other thousands of people with ovo I don’t want one that’s only for me this is now 13 months since not having account access

they are not building a system to control nuclear weapons 

Userlevel 7
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We’re also not talking about a simple calculator either. The web portal for the legacy billing system was shut down last year due to a security flaw. However, I am absolutely forbidden from revealing the details of that flaw even if I knew what they were - which I don’t. All I can say is that it was not myself who reported it, but someone else. I do not know who made the report either.

The Apollo billing system corrupted thousands of accounts which is one of the reasons OVO is getting rid of it, but they cannot move yours if it’s still in a bad state - it needs to be cleaned up first and that takes time because there’s still a few thousand to go through. Each one takes a LOT of manual action and a lot of man hours to fix in order to prepare it for transfer - and then you have to convert the data to the new system, you can’t just Dump N Go as it doesn’t work that way.

That is why I asked the question. Do you really want your entire account to just work even if it takes longer to get access to online services, or be completely messed up from the word go but have it immediately? This is NOT just about the web portal!

Userlevel 7

Have you seen anyone on this forum saying that they have been successfully moved to the new billing platform?

Well of course anyone who has sucessfully moved will not be logging on to the forum to complain. so you won’t see them.

Satisfied/happy people don’t usually log onto support fora to shout about it.

It’s something to bear in mind with any/all support fora - they are mainly there for people to post their problems and complaints and get whatever answers and solutions are available..

So that’s mainly what you see on support fora - lots of problems and complaints.

It can tend to make things look somewhat one-sided

Userlevel 3

Have you seen anyone on this forum saying that they have been successfully moved to the new billing platform?

Well of course anyone who has sucessfully moved will not be logging on to the forum to complain. so you won’t see them.

Satisfied/happy people don’t usually log onto fora to shout about it.

It’s something to bear in mind with any/all support fora - they are mainly there for people to post their problems and complaints and get whatever answers are available..

So that’s mainly what you see on support fora - lots of problems and complaints.

It can tend to make things look somewhat one-sided

Maybe most people don’t bother, but surely some of the satisfied customers should be reporting back here. I did that when I successfully received my final bill and compensation (after epic delays).

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

As Nukecad just mentioned, 99% of happy customers never come here at all and many of those who found our solutions helpful don’t come back to tell us - we only get a handful who ever do.

Myself and Nukecad are part of the 0.1% of visitors who choose to stick around and actively help out, which is why we have the Forum Volunteer status that we hold. Anyone can earn it, but very few choose to do so.

Folks often come here to ask their one question and then vanish into the shadows until the end of time. That’s just how these forums work.

Userlevel 7

Just to note that at the moment I wouldn’t include myself in that 99% happy group.

I do have my own issues with OVO.

Currently account access online is one of them, I did have access to my account online since moving from SSE to OVO, but lost it a month ago.
It’s a different, (and somewhat unusual), issue to the one that you ‘legacy’ customers are facing, but with the same frustration of losing online access - so I know what it’s like when you can’t see/handle your acount online anymore,

Userlevel 7

Any updates we get internally about the progress of the online account access issues, we’ll update all relevant topics.


I appreciate how frustrating it must be. We’re working on fixing things and will be back in touch in the near future with an update. In the meantime, you’ll continue to get your bill every month by email or post as usual. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please chat, call, or email our support team.

