
When will I get access to my online account?

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Userlevel 1

After almost a year with no access and no resolution date on the horizon, I’m done.

Good luck to everyone else still waiting for their online access to be restored. 

I’m still of the opinion that OVO are waiting for everyone to get fed up and move to another supplier. At least I’ve reduced their outstanding list.

I have been a long time customer with OVO and have found there customer service generally good. But I am getting seriously frustrated by not being able to access my account online. As a result I have missed out special promotions, I wanted to do the off peak usage over the winter months for instance. But could not register as NO ONLINE ACCESS. I now note having managed to create a new account on this forum (I had one previously but seem to have been lost) that we should be all up and running by end Q1….Well that’s now past and still no indication of or indeed any customer update (something I expect as a matter of routine) as to when I and others will finally get beck to being able to do basic online tasks with our accounts. It was the online access that was originally one of the deciding factors in choosing OVO.

Userlevel 2

I have been a long time customer with OVO ... I am getting seriously frustrated by not being able to access my account online. ... It was the online access that was originally one of the deciding factors in choosing OVO.

@TrishaN I too can’t get online access, and like you, online access was one of the reasons I switched to OVO.

I’ve been fobbed-off with all sorts of stories, mostly to do with ‘system upgrades’ in progress. I have been waiting months. It should not take months to upgrade a system. 

However I have a solution. I’m going to switch to a supplier who does have online accounts, the same supplier who provides my gas.

It’s a bit of a drastic solution, but I can’t wait any longer.

Userlevel 7
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Some users were recently banned from the forum, but AFAIK neither of you were on that list. Bans don’t wipe the account out either - only the separate Erase User function does that (which isn’t used for bans).

Apollo doesn’t support Power Move or Power Move Plus anyway, you wouldn’t have been eligible even with online account services.

Some users were recently banned from the forum, but AFAIK neither of you were on that list. Bans don’t wipe the account out either - only the separate Erase User function does that (which isn’t used for bans).

Apollo doesn’t support Power Move or Power Move Plus anyway, you wouldn’t have been eligible even with online account services.

Thanks, to get a ban one must first have posted something. Under my old account I had never had need to post anything. Frustrating about the power move I kept getting invitations to sign up, but of course unable to do so. I have waited this long I can wait a little longer. But it’s hardly a good recommendation for OVO that this situation has dragged on as long as it has. The odd update via email might well have eased the feeling of being left out on a limb, as well as clarifying I was not eligible to use the Power Move until the migration to the new system was resolved. I am on a pension any savings I can make are of interest to me.

Userlevel 7
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Technically it is possible to get banned from this forum without posting anything. I have… Ways… Of catching certain types of abuse from such users - you literally never see those before they’re banhammered because we’re too fast at shutting them down. They think they can hide in the shadows, but not with me around.

The exact details of what criteria causes such bans is confidential for pretty obvious reasons. With that being said, I just caught two more of them. They won’t last long…

Userlevel 2

Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

Userlevel 3

Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

No point in waiting. I gave up waiting more than 3 months ago and changed to a normal supplier that has online facilities.

The problem is that I’m still struggling and wasting countless hours communicating with them. My final bill was issued after more than 8 weeks (should be 6 weeks) after chasing them three times. There is supposed to be automatic compensation for the late bill but I’ve chased this up twice already and nothing has happened, despite promises. Even if I receive that compensation, they are also supposed to pay compensation for the late compensation. No idea how many more months I will need to keep doing this before they pay the “automatic” compensation (mandated by ofgem).

Ovo seems to have a policy of doing nothing and hoping that the customer will give up.

Userlevel 4



We’re very sorry that you can’t log in to your account at the moment. We’re working on fixing things and will be back in touch in the near future with an update. In the meantime, you’ll continue to get your bill every month by email or post as usual. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please chat, call, or email our support team.
We’ll update this topic when the remaining customers are migrated over to our new system.



I have had no account access for a year, and no app access since Nov 2022, as I am an Apollo account holder. I’ve been following this thread since it appeared.

OVO, why can you not simply give a new estimated date for the accounts move now, since end of Q1 2024 has now passed & this was your estimate after the end of 2023 deadline passed?

I am one of the most patient people I know (haha), a tireless data entry clerk in my younger days, & seriously, I am almost out of time with this now. I will vote with my feet on 1st May if I hear nothing by then, pay my debit balance which has gone up since an error with the OVO direct debit system in Dec 2023, & sadly change supplier.

I have been an OVO customer since August 2021 the first attempt at migrating my account ended me with a huge bill that meant I ended up having to go to the ombudsman which went in my favour account migrated back etc only for last year about this time for the dreaded message your account is migrating popped up it's all well and good people saying your just a minority and it will eventually get sorted that is not acceptable. I've been giving my readings  monthly via Twitter. I have now had a smart meter installed but 6 weeks on im yet to have a bill. I will be following others as soon as my bill comes in assuming it's correct and be leaving OVO. 

Userlevel 7
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Just because it’s been six weeks doesn’t mean the bill is due yet - you might still be mid-cycle.

Userlevel 1

Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

I gave up waiting and switched supplier. However, be aware that the Apollo system seems to be so bad, that I was charged as if my account was still active, for fuel Ovo was not supplying. Still in the process of getting my final bill and refund. 

Userlevel 7
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Which is exactly why OVO is getting rid of Apollo - it turned out to be FAR too unreliable.

Userlevel 3

Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

I gave up waiting and switched supplier. However, be aware that the Apollo system seems to be so bad, that I was charged as if my account was still active, for fuel Ovo was not supplying. Still in the process of getting my final bill and refund. 

I received my final bill and refund after more than 8 weeks after switching, having chased them several times. I found that you need to keep chasing for anything to happen. If they say they will “raise a case”, you will never hear back. If you strike it lucky, they will deal with it there and then.

Recently I’ve been chasing the “automatic” £30 compensation for the late final bill. It turns out that it’s not automatic in the case of ovo. I’ve had to chase this many times too, and none of the agents knew what I was talking about ( I think I finally succeeded today: the cheque is supposedly in the post.

Userlevel 4


I have been an OVO customer since August 2021 the first attempt at migrating my account ended me with a huge bill that meant I ended up having to go to the ombudsman which went in my favour account migrated back etc only for last year about this time for the dreaded message your account is migrating popped up it's all well and good people saying your just a minority and it will eventually get sorted that is not acceptable. I've been giving my readings  monthly via Twitter. I have now had a smart meter installed but 6 weeks on im yet to have a bill. I will be following others as soon as my bill comes in assuming it's correct and be leaving OVO. 


I’m really sorry to hear this, it may be worth reaching out to Support so they can check what’s causing the delay with your bill.



Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

I gave up waiting and switched supplier. However, be aware that the Apollo system seems to be so bad, that I was charged as if my account was still active, for fuel Ovo was not supplying. Still in the process of getting my final bill and refund. 

I received my final bill and refund after more than 8 weeks after switching, having chased them several times. I found that you need to keep chasing for anything to happen. If they say they will “raise a case”, you will never hear back. If you strike it lucky, they will deal with it there and then.

Recently I’ve been chasing the “automatic” £30 compensation for the late final bill. It turns out that it’s not automatic in the case of ovo. I’ve had to chase this many times too, and none of the agents knew what I was talking about ( I think I finally succeeded today: the cheque is supposedly in the post.


I’m sorry to hear about the problems you’ve had. Please pop back and let us know when you do receive your cheque, or if you need any further help with this.

How many more months or years Ovo will keep saying we are working on new webside fror you?

Userlevel 4

Hey @Paul1807,


I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues getting access online. The reason could be that your account may still be on our old billing system which doesn’t have access online at the moment. We’re working on migrating affected customers to our current system where you would have access. If you contact our support team they should be able to confirm this and give you any help you need. 


I hope this helps 🙂

I’ve been with boost energy and went on the pay as you go app yesterday and was told it was being moved to OVO. so I downloaded the top up ovo app from the store and added my meter to the app and done a test purchase and put £5 on and it updated the meter, but on the ovo app it’s not showing my balance but on my boost app it’s still showing me and even showing the updated balance since I purchased £5 on ovo too


was wondering if I just have to wait or is there something I need to do with this as the ovo app isn’t showing my balance at all?

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Diddjke ,

Sounds like you’re either still in the migration process or it hasn’t quite started yet. Keep both apps for now since you’ll want the OVO Top-Up app sooner or later anyway - OVO will let you know once the migration of your account is complete.

Userlevel 4

Hey @Diddjke,


Glad to hear that your top-up was successful and you’re now setup on the new app. I'll take your question away about the balance and ask if there’s a timescale for this to show. 


Keep us updated if your balance starts showing on the app. Like @Blastoise186 has said it may just be going through migration and waiting for all the details to pull over. 

Userlevel 3

Has anyone on here who's been waiting for there online access actually got sorted yet i have been waiting since last march. need access so i can use the charge anytime app to get cheaper charging rates for my car for the past 12 months i am paying twice the price to charge my car and its getting a joke. 

I gave up waiting and switched supplier. However, be aware that the Apollo system seems to be so bad, that I was charged as if my account was still active, for fuel Ovo was not supplying. Still in the process of getting my final bill and refund. 

I received my final bill and refund after more than 8 weeks after switching, having chased them several times. I found that you need to keep chasing for anything to happen. If they say they will “raise a case”, you will never hear back. If you strike it lucky, they will deal with it there and then.

Recently I’ve been chasing the “automatic” £30 compensation for the late final bill. It turns out that it’s not automatic in the case of ovo. I’ve had to chase this many times too, and none of the agents knew what I was talking about ( I think I finally succeeded today: the cheque is supposedly in the post.


I’m sorry to hear about the problems you’ve had. Please pop back and let us know when you do receive your cheque, or if you need any further help with this.

I did receive the compensation cheque eventually, in April. I then had to complain again to receive the statutory compensation for the late compensation. I eventually received that in May. Altogether, I had to pester ovo eight times since changing supplier before the process was complete. If ovo had simply issued my final bill automatically within 6 weeks, all this hassle (and compensation) would have been avoided.

Ironically, I received email a few days ago saying “Switch back to OVO in just a few clicks”. No chance! I’m very happy that I will never need to have anything to do with ovo again.

Does anyone have any update fron Ovo as to when we will regain access to our online account. They promised by March 24 buth ave consistently failed to meet any timescales they have promised

Userlevel 7
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Those weren’t so much promises as they were estimates.

You’ll be able to get back in once you’re on the new billing platform. If you need help in the meantime, has your back.

Honestly quite tired of being told that I will get access eventually after its been over a year. Not to mention it seems to be 50/50 on whether i’ll get emailed a bill every bill so I just have to pay through banktransfer and hope for the best it reaches my account. 

