
When will I get access to my online account?

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Userlevel 3

Surely creating a new account is the best option, when we have been waiting almost a year for online access to be restored.

This is the key point. Assuming that people (including me) are leaving ovo and other unsuspecting/gullible people are switching to ovo, it must be possible to close accounts on the old system (“apollo”?) and open accounts on the new system. Therefore, it must be a simple matter for ovo to do this for each of the 1000 hapless customers left on the old system.

Userlevel 7

Have you tried simply cancelling your direct debit?


This may not be a very good idea. Cancelling the DD will cause an immediate change to a higher tariff, because of the surcharge paid by on demand customers. It’s about £56 a year for electricity for the average customer.

A customer with healthy credit should be able to reduce the DD significantly, even down to the minimum of £5 (required to keep the DD alive).

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

It’s also worth noting that Apollo has been terminated in the context of adding and/or setting up new customers. Absolutely no-one is being routed to it anymore so “unsuspecting” customers will definitely not end up on the inferior system.

And as I’ve said before, there’s almost certainly a reason why you’re still on the old system. You do the switcheroo method entirely at your own risk.

Userlevel 7

The support team are able to initiate refunds if you have surplus credit, I understand that it’s very frustrating not being able to initiate these actions through the Online Account.


But an agent can issue refunds, email bills and submit meter readings on your behalf. 

When is the new website going to be up and running.  I was told it was going to be end of December 2023 and now there is no indication of timelines. 

I need full access to my account as it’s currently in credit and I’ve been trying to get a refund for months / years without success.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

It’s already up. OVO will let you know when you can use it.

If you need a refund, Live Chat via is the fastest way for anything up to £500. If you wish to refund more than that, please call 0330 303 5063.

Userlevel 7

Hey @cazjardine,


We’re very sorry that you can’t log in to your account at the moment. We’re working on fixing things and will be back in touch in the near future with an update. In the meantime, you’ll continue to get your bill every month by email or post as usual. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please chat, call, or email our support team.


We’ll update this topic when the remaining customers are migrated over to our new system.


Userlevel 3

Don’t hold your breath! I gave up and moved to a decent supplier, which even has a website.


BTW, there is an online robot for requesting a refund from ovo, but don’t try to use it because it tells you to login to your account, which you don’t have. (I know because I tried it.)

Userlevel 2

And I requested a refund eight days ago and had a response from support, but still no sign of it arriving in my account.

I do hope anyone thinking of opening an OVO account reads the forum before signing up so that they can make up their own mind if this is the sort of company they want to give hard earned money to.

Userlevel 7

Hey @Hadders52,


The timeframe for a refund is up to 10 working days, if you don’t get your refund within that time please pop back and I’ll get Forum_Support to look into it. 

Your “Support Team” are a complete waste of time.  I’ve tried communicating with them and they can’t even find my account!

OVO have over £1,300 of my money and I’m being fobbed off.  I’ve tried escalating through the complaints procedure and get no response and I’ve referred to the Ombudsman.

What do I actually need to do to get a refund?????

Userlevel 7

I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out, please keep an eye on your private messages @cazjardine 

Userlevel 2

Hey @Hadders52,


The timeframe for a refund is up to 10 working days, if you don’t get your refund within that time please pop back and I’ll get Forum_Support to look into it. 

My initial request, by email as I have no access to my online account, was on the 1st March. I had an initial response on the 4th March, with the wrong information, so nothing was progressed. I then replied to the Ovo erroneous email and got a response on the 5th March, but for the first time ever I was asked to send a photo of my meter, which I immediately did.

Then nothing.

I make that 10 working days since I requested a refund.


Userlevel 2

When I try to register for online account, it says ‘Some of your details don’t match our records’. It’s been like this since I started with OVO last year, so today I decided to do something about it.

I got on a ‘chat’ with someone very curt, who took two minutes to reply to each message. ( I don’t think he was totally focused on my problem. )

The end result of the ‘chat’ was him telling me the reason I can’t register is because my account is being migrated. 

That reason doesn’t tally with what I see in the ‘Some of your details don’t match’ message. Also, what am I supposed to be migrating from ?.   I never had an OVO account before.

Am I really being migrated from a non-existant account, or was the ‘agent’ just giving me a stock answer to get rid of me ?





They are fobbing you off! Migrated from SEE (Well they took over SSE) in October last year. The app is still not working says my account in migration.  

Userlevel 7

Hey @Hadders52,


I’m sorry to hear this,


I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out, please keep an eye on your private messages. 

Userlevel 7

Hey @robbok & @Buzby,


I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out, please keep an eye on your private messages. 

Userlevel 2

I was trying to find out why I can’t register for an online account, but the ‘agent’ would only say the account is being migrated. I don’t think this is true. The error message says ‘details don’t match’, not ‘account being migrated’.

Can anyone tell me what is going on ?

Userlevel 6

Hi @Buzby 


Sorry to hear this,


We don’t have account access here at the Forum, so the Support Team are best placed to know what’s going on with the account.


It’s likely that the error of details not matching is also still due to the account migration to the other system, but as there are no details to match, the system believes the details being entered don’t match.


If you’re still unsure you can share a screenshot of the screen you see or check with the Support Team.




Userlevel 2


Hi Abby,

I did phone OVO this morning about this. The agent was very helpful, and checked that the details I was using were the same as on her screen. Even checked the spelling of my name, as I have had problems elsewhere when people spell it wrong. The agent could not tell me what was wrong, other than there was a big system upgrade going on, and it might be related to that.

As you can see from my other posts, I’ve got two big problems at the moment.

One is the BOOST/OVO payements fiasco, the other is the inability to register online.

The availability of an online account was one of the main reasons I switched from BOOST to OVO, as OVO advertised and promoted the ease of online account management.

I’ve already told them that if my online account is not working by the time the payments fiasco is fixed, I’m going to jump ship.



Userlevel 2

They are fobbing you off! Migrated from SEE (Well they took over SSE) in October last year. The app is still not working says my account in migration.  

I think you might be right.

I never had an SSE supply, it was BOOST, and I don’t get a ‘migration error’, I get ‘wrong details’.

If ‘migration’ applies to SSE accounts, why would a BOOST account be affected ?

( I’m sure there is an ex-spurt on here who knows the answer, but he won’t tell, it’s his secret !. )

Userlevel 7

… what am I supposed to be migrating from ?.   I never had an OVO account before.


I can’t see that anyone answered this question. The migration is most probably part of the dismantling of Boost, supposed to have been completed last year. While most Boost customers have now been moved across, there are clearly a few stragglers who are being difficult. I wonder if the fact that you are an SSE refugee has anything to do with it - that alone caused untold problems of various types when SSE’s retail arm was finally buried on 31 December last before OVO had had the chance to mop up the last remnants. 

The problem is in most cases that ex-SSE accounts were moved to OVO’s old billing platform (Apollo), which was superseded six or seven years ago. Weaning them on to the ‘new’ system (Orion) is proving difficult in many cases, and moving the management of this system in-house from Kaluza won’t have made it any easier.

I’m sure it’ll all come right in the end 🙂   

Userlevel 2



I’m not an SSE refugee, I’m a BOOST straggler !

It might come right in the end, but seeing as I’ve only been with OVO since last July, I would have expected it to be right from the start.


Userlevel 7

I’m not an SSE refugee, I’m a BOOST straggler !


Oops, sorry 😳. I see that it was somebody else who threw that red herring into the works.


… I’ve only been with OVO since last July, 


Oh dear. I think I’ve misunderstood your situation completely. 

Boost was launched some years ago when the prepayment arm of OVO was hived off to a separate entity within the OVO family. They decided to reverse this change last year, so another grand migration began as Boost customers became OVO customers.

If I’ve now got it right, you tried last year to switch from being a Boost prepayment (PAYG) customer to being an OVO ‘pay monthly’ (PAYM) customer. This switch was still ongoing just as Boost entered its death throes, and as a result your account has fallen between the cracks somewhere. 

There is a world of difference between managing PAYG accounts and PAYM accounts, which is why Boost was invented in the first place. It seems that trying to get them back into bed together isn’t going smoothly for every customer, and you’re one of the unlucky ones.

As I said, it’ll all come right in the end 🤞🏻  


Userlevel 2


I see that it was somebody else who threw that red herring into the works.

Yes, there’s a lot of people here that jump on threads with their ex-spurt opinions, without reading what’s really going on. Thankyou for admitting your mistake. Apology accepted 🙂.


It was the promise of an online account which greatly influenced my choice of switching from BOOST to OVO, 

Nine months later that promise is looking rather hollow.

Is the problem that my specific account has not yet been updated, or is it the ‘system’ needs fixing before any stragglers like me can get online accounts ?

Does OVO write it’s own software, or it the task outsourced to some 3rd party ?

Am I banging my head against the wrong brick wall ?
