Unsafe electricity wire into house preventing work on the roof - how can we fix?

  • 8 August 2022
  • 4 replies

Have a house with post code IV54*** and account number *edited by moderator*


The electricity comes into the house but the wire to the house is not shielded making it impossible for work to be done on the roof. I would like this fixed please.


Also we have an off peak meter which needs to be removed.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @Colin Crawford ,

Could you show us some photos of the problem please? I can definitely advise on who’s the best place to go to in order to get it fixed, but as there’s multiple possibilities I need to narrow down your options first.

As for the old off-peak meter, if you’re an OVO member it may be possible to request OVO to remove it for you. Give the Support Team a shout and they should be able to help make the arrangements.

How do I contact the support team

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Oh right, that might help a bit!

All the options can be found here, so feel free to pick one that works for you.

I’d recommend against calling in today however, as you’ll likely get snarled up in a huge backlog from the weekend. If you’re OK to hold back until Wednesday, you should get through a lot faster.

Userlevel 7

What’s the latest on this one, @Colin Crawford? We want to mark a solution in case anyone else has a similar problem… 
