
OVO refusing to refund when I'm in credit - why?

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My OVO account has built up to the extent that they now owe me over £5,000. I have asked for a refund via telephone and submitted a photo of my meter. They have acknowledged that a meter reading was received on 16 October 2023.

I was assure that this would be refunded to the bill paying account but have not received this yet. Should I write to them now (in anticipation of a complaint and then a further complaint to the Energy Ombudsman)? What is the best address to use? Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

That’s an awfully big refund to be requesting at once, so my guess is that it may have gotten snarled by a security check or similar.

Please see for your options. Note that post is the slowest option and I don’t recommend it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Cordelia

The ovo website says 5 working days via your bank account or 7 to 10 days by cheque.

Have you had your refund now? 



The refund built up so much mainly because I didn’t understand the way that the account was reported by OVO. Also I was used to a much closer scrutiny of amounts owing and debit amounts by my previous supplier SSE.  Despite building up such a large credit OVO continued to take large debit amounts and at one point apologised for under charging! 

They are not good at communicating!

I checked my account last week and it wasn’t there, will check again today. The person I spoke to on the phone assured me it would be refunded to the account that the debit is taken from. I also sent a photo of my meter.

I’m at pensionable age and receive my state pension so this is a stressful and alarming position to be in.


Thanks for your responses all.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Cordelia

I would definitely recommend signing up for the priority service register if you haven't already as you are of pensionable age. It should help generally with issues when ovo staff see you are on the register.


Thanks so much, will register 😊

