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I prefer to use the “classic” 3-button navigation system on my Android 14 smart phone.

When in the Ovo app, the navigation buttons on the bottom line are white on a white background. I had to look very hard just to find them on first usage.

Does anyone else find this as inconvenient as I do? Could we have, say, green buttons? Please?

IIRC this might be a System UI thing. If it is, it’s beyond OVO’s control. If memory serves, the colour of system navigation buttons can’t necessarily be controlled by apps that easily.

You may need to talk to the manufacturer of your device, or try the nav gestures - they’re not too bad once you get used to them!

What I do know, is that there’s no options to turn the system nav buttons green-on-white. It’s generally on the black-white scale (and shades in between those) only.

I hear what you say, Blastoise, but I’m not convinced. I still think it’s a coding issue.

If it’s a system UI thing, how come the buttons in the WhatsApp, Messages, Telegram,  Ohme, BBC and even Chrome apps are visble and in contrast to their backgrounds?

True, but that’s not the whole story either. The most OVO can do is see whether one specific line is missing and add it in. But turning the nav bar white on green or green on white definitely can’t be done.

The question for yourself however, is this. Android and iOS are clearly moving away from the “classic” navigation buttons. In the case of iOS, they’re already gone - it’s nav gestures or nothing. On Android, the choice of either buttons or gestures still exists at this time but the signals are pointing towards nav buttons slowly going the way of the dodo - just at a much slower pace than on iOS.

So the question is this. Are you prepared to accept that in the future, you might have no choice but to use nav gestures?

Hey @Nosmarb,


Blastoise has provided some helpful information here, I wonder if you could put this forward as a feature idea and we could see what the product team advise. We can also see if this affects other Community Members and gauge interest. 
