
not getting bills for the last 2 months

  • 31 January 2024
  • 11 replies

Userlevel 2
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All of a sudden I’m not getting bills. For December and January I only get the calculated

standing charges and the Direct Debit doesn’t bother to take these amounts. I’ve sent in my meter readings and these are recorded on my account including the Dec 31st readings.

Now somebody at OVO is calculating my monthly costs and usage in the ‘usage’ section,

I can even compare it with last years usage and costs, but no actual bills, anyone else suffering this problem ?


Best answer by harryfleming13 9 February 2024, 10:02

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11 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @harryfleming13 


Sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing billing issues.


There can be a number of possibilities as to why this has happened. As we don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum, you’ll be best to get in touch with the Support Team so they can look into the matter and find out why the bills have stopped.


It could potentially be something called a ‘billing suspension’, these can be applied by the system if something like an out of line reading has been submitted. 


The Support Team will be able to check for sure what’s happened here and get that fixed for you too. 


I have linked to a slightly similar topic below that may be helpful, I know you’ve not mentioned having a new smart meter fitted, but the same billing suspension may have been applied for a different reason and so may be of use:



Let us know how you get on.

Userlevel 2
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I’ve tried every avenue of contact, support team, made a complaint, emailed Raman team with feed back. I do think there’s a suspension however I’ve told all the various agencies that I’ve installed solar panels and a battery so by charging my battery and using solar gen I’ve cut down considerably on peak electricity use, Also I’ve made upgrades to my house insulation.

I’m not getting a smart meter because of the bad press but I do send in my meter readings each month and on the day of rate changes and they are all recorded on my account.

If ovo are bothered about the readings then all they have to do is stop being cheapskates and send around a meter reader as was usual with the old Norweb. I’m retired so at home a lot of the time so there’s no excuse on that front. Actually truth be told they are basically a billing company, that’s all they do. They are not suppliers or engineers they produce bills and it looks like they can’t even do that for me at the moment.

Userlevel 6

Hey @harryfleming13 


If there’s a suspension in place, then there should also be a case to match the issue so the team can pick it up to be resolved, whatever the issue may be.


We’re required to carry out certain checks on your meter every 1 - 2 years. We use ‘Morrisons Data Services’ to carry out these checks so you if you’re concerned you can ask the visiting meter reader for some ID to confirm this. You can find out more information on the topics below:



If you’re on our Priority Services Register, you may be able to register to have a meter reader visit schedule set up. If you’re not signed up to the Priority Services register already, you can do so here


Let us know how you get on, and when you get a response on the email to Raman’s team.

Userlevel 2
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Hi Abby

I’ve not to my knowledge had a meter reader from OVO since 2020. A chap did come around a month ago he read only my gas meter, but OVO have no knowledge of the visit, I think he was from Cadent.

I am already on the priority services register, being a 77-year-old pensioner with a heart condition.

I have only had the automatic reply from Ramans team, so I have sent him a letter direct to head office. Same with the OVO complaints team.

After looking at some of the forum members issues it is possible that some of the reports could be connected with my previous problems some 8 or 9 years ago and my current one. This is to do with the history and protocols of connections of legacy  systems. I have a first degree B.Sc. in electrical engineering and from my previous problems of incorrect connection I may be able to help OVO to resolve some of the issues reported.

Userlevel 7

Hey @harryfleming13,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


If you’re on the priority services register you are able to contact customer support and book in a free meter reader to come to your property. 


I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out, please keep an eye on your private messages. 

Userlevel 2
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Hi Abby

I’m getting to the bottom of my bill suspension problem, I now think it has to do with my meter certification which I’m investigating with OPSS.

I have requested a meter reading schedule from priority services, thanks.


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Many thanks Emmanuelle

Userlevel 2
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I think I have an answer to all the issues I’ve been trying to get resolved, that is ‘not getting bills’

‘not getting a reply from any OVO customer access’, ‘increasing pressure to book a smart meter’.

My meter certification has run out ! and it was staring me in the face. The meter was installed by OVO on 03/05/2016. but I didn’t realise at the time that it was 2nd hand and only had about 7 years certification left. It was certified on 11/2013. My bills stopped from 11/2023 consistent with the certification running out.

What I don’t understand is why OVO don’t fess up and talk to me to resolve the issue.

I have been advised from the forum that my system has run into smart meter problems but I’m a reasonable chap and would be prepared to help OVO to resolve my issues.

Userlevel 7

I’m sorry to hear this @harryfleming13. I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out again today, please keep an eye on your private messages. 

Userlevel 2
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I finally got through to head office yesterday and discovered that my issues are not about the certification of my meter running out! It is a ‘technical issue’ with OVO billing.

This doesn’t fill me with confidence about the tech, I’ve discovered forum tech issues, tech issues with smart meters on my setup now billing issues with OVO billing tech.

Although I shouldn’t be surprised in the las few years I seem to have become a ‘beta teste’r for new tech. I can’t think of a piece of tech I’ve bought in the last few years that hasn’t fallen down in one way or another. Tis a brave new world.

Userlevel 7

I’m glad that you’ve now managed to get to the bottom of your account issues @harryfleming13, I’m sorry it was such a stressful experience. 
