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Until September when my account was finally ‘migrated ‘ by OVO, I gave meter readings for the 2 electricity meters in my house by email as the website hadn’t been accessible since July 2023. Both meters on the one account - one serves most of the building, the other a bit added on in 1930. No problems - 2 meter readings, bit like gas and electric but instead 2 x electric. This was set up in about 2012/13.

Now I’ve got 2 accounts and one is in debit and the other in credit and they want me to set up a new DD.


i am incensed! OVO seem to have lost the plot!

I’ll ask about this internally & confirm. It may be that two separate account numbers are required on the new billing system. I can understand how frustrating this would be for you, if your two meters were on the same account number previously.

Hey @JoK1953 


It depends if it is a separate Meter Point Administrative Number (MPAN). So like an Annex and that would be a requirement to have separate account, including things like a garage. It sounds like you’re in this minority. If a customer had two electricity meters in the same property with the same MPAN.


Also where we have a multi-rate multimeter might be different though, yes would require separate accounts. 

This was all under 1 account  *edited by moderator* until 09/07/24. 
regardless of 2 different MPAN. 
my monthly DD payment covered both meters.

one has very little usage and the other covers hot water and white goods.

Hey @JoK1953 


I’m really sorry to hear this. We don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum and it sounds like the Support Team could do with looking into the accounts for you to check.



Let us know how you get on with the Support Team.
