
Is there new Information on our OVO Account Home Page- Last reading date?

  • 2 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

It may just be that I’ve never noticed before, but on my OVO Account Home Page in the box where it confirms that my smart meter is sending readings automatically, I’ve now noticed that it shows the last reading date.  


Your smart meter is sending them to us automatically. Nice one!

Last reading: 01 Apr 2024

You don't need to do anything.


This is such a welcome and useful bit of information (as a visible pointer to estimated readings, for example) that I’m sure I should have noticed it previously? Apologies if this is merely another of my senior moments!


EDIT:  …and apologies for misspelling Home Page in the title…


Best answer by Abby_OVO 3 April 2024, 12:06

View original

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Looks like a bit of a recent addition, possibly within the last couple of months.

Oh, and don’t worry about the thread title. I’ll arrange to get that fixed - on the house of course. :)

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

As ever, thank you so much @Blastoise186 

Userlevel 6

Hey @waltyboy 


Thanks to @Blastoise186, I’ve now updated the title for you😊.


It does seem like a really handy feature, for those with smart you can see we’ve been receiving your readings as expected, and will also tell you if we’ve not received one for a while from what we understand. Similarly with traditional, you can see when the last reading was submitted or if it’s been a while since we last had one without having to go through meter reading records first, so definitely a helpful addition.
