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We’re in the process of switching to OVO. We tried a month ago but it failed, so I was told to just create a new quote etc. The switch is supposed to happen on 20 June, so fingers crossed!

Anyway as a result I’ve got two account numbers - one “dead” one from the failed switch, and one (hopefully) live one associated with my home address - and both are associated with my email address. Is it possible to get rid of the “dead” one?

The other question is whether we can associate a second email address (my wife’s) with the account. Unbelievably, our current electric supplier refused to allow my wife to read our meter etc because our account was just in my name, so this is not a daft question :-)

Thanks for any comments!

It is possible. Have a word with OVO Support and they can move the dead account out of the way for you. They can also authorize your partner to access the account 

Excellent, thanks! I’ll wait for the switch to go through before tempting fate by changing stuff.
