
How do I get OVO to issue my final bill??

  • 16 November 2023
  • 9 replies

Hi All, 


Just wondering if anyone has any ideas how I can get OVO to issue me with my final closing bill for my account??


I’ve been waiting over 3 months now; made numerous calls to OVO all of which have not resolved this issue, I’ve sent a brace of letters which have seemingly gone unanswered.  This is honestly the worst service I have ever experienced!!


I started as an SSE customer, but was automatically transferred to OVO without consultation.  That complicated things and it took about a month to get OVO to acknowledge the correct meter readings for opening and closing of the account.  Then my account was given a £30 credit, given it has taken OVO over 6 weeks to issue my final bill.  Well we’re nearly 6 weeks post that now!!  


What can I do to get OVO to issue the final bill??


I can sort of see it in my online portal, but when I go to view/download it defaults to the previous month.


I just want to pay the bill and get away from OVO, I will never use them again, nor recommend them to anyone!!


Any ideas, love to hear them!!


Best answer by boslemx 17 November 2023, 19:05

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi All, 


I started as an SSE customer, but was automatically transferred to OVO without consultation.  That complicated things and it took about a month to get OVO to acknowledge the correct meter readings for opening and closing of the account.  Then my account was given a £30 credit, given it has taken OVO over 6 weeks to issue my final bill.  Well we’re nearly 6 weeks post that now!!  


What can I do to get OVO to issue the final bill??


I can sort of see it in my online portal, but when I go to view/download it defaults to the previous month.


There’s a bit of a bug in the bill link. I don’t have my account anymore but from memory, if you go to the main billing page, you should be able to see the latest.
Your new supplier (and OVO) will have to agree final readings of course. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @boslemx 

If you don't have any luck in the next two weeks then I would ask the Energy Ombudsman for help.

That will be 8 weeks after OVO should have provided the final bill and OVO have already paid the statutory £30 for missing the first ofgem target

8 weeks is the normal minimum time for escalation

I would tell OVO now what you intend to do so they get two weeks to sort out the bill.

I have flagged the ovo moderators in case they have a suggestion given this may well end up with the Energy Ombudsman which won't be good.


Hi All, 


I started as an SSE customer, but was automatically transferred to OVO without consultation.  That complicated things and it took about a month to get OVO to acknowledge the correct meter readings for opening and closing of the account.  Then my account was given a £30 credit, given it has taken OVO over 6 weeks to issue my final bill.  Well we’re nearly 6 weeks post that now!!  


What can I do to get OVO to issue the final bill??


I can sort of see it in my online portal, but when I go to view/download it defaults to the previous month.


There’s a bit of a bug in the bill link. I don’t have my account anymore but from memory, if you go to the main billing page, you should be able to see the latest.
Your new supplier (and OVO) will have to agree final readings of course. 


Thanks @BPLightlog, the main billing section only seems to have my original migrated bills from my transfer from SSE to OVO, which are on estimated readings and totally incorrect.  It’s on the home page of my account that I can see a bill for Aug/Sep which has my corrected readings and was essentially the final bill.  Then appears a bill for Sep/Oct which appeared with the £30 credit for late final billing.  That final bill is for circa £6 now, end date of 3rd October; so we are actually over 6 weeks post receiving the credit for the late final bill!!  Nothing received through the post at any point and not available to download online.  I can't close the account, paying that circa £6, until I can see that final bill!!  

Hi @boslemx 

If you don't have any luck in the next two weeks then I would ask the Energy Ombudsman for help.

That will be 8 weeks after OVO should have provided the final bill and OVO have already paid the statutory £30 for missing the first ofgem target

8 weeks is the normal minimum time for escalation

I would tell OVO now what you intend to do so they get two weeks to sort out the bill.

I have flagged the ovo moderators in case they have a suggestion given this may well end up with the Energy Ombudsman which won't be good.


Thanks @Jeffus, great shout, I hadn’t thought about engaging and escalating with a separate body.  I will phone OVO today therefore, requesting the final bill once more.  I will also clearly state to them that I intend to raise this with the Energy Ombudsman if no resolution is found within the next 2 weeks.  


I still find it outrageous, I phoned through my closing meter readings on the 11 August, just over 3 months ago!!  Whenever I have closed account previously, with SSE, the final bill is received within a couple of days.  I owe OVO about £6 I think, given the phone calls and time spent on this, they must be running at a massive loss on this account!!

Userlevel 6

Hey @boslemx 


Sorry to hear about this.


Let us have the Forum Support reach out to you to see if they can help with this. Keep a look out here for a private message soon.

Well I phoned OVO once again this afternoon……


As previously, all the person could do was advise that they would escalate to billing team.  Well that has been done several times before, with no successful resolution, so I don't see it helping this time.  I was also advised that I could not speak to the Billing Team!!  I fail to understand why that is the case, it seemingly makes the Billing team wholly unaccountable.  It might also help if those answering the phone calls had more training so could actually help, rather than passing messages on!!


The person taking the call advised they would raise a complaint for me, which will be the 3rd one raised over this matter.  The previous 2 have done nothing and neither have I ever been contacted about them.  Apparently I will be contacted within 28 days, I will have to wait and see…...The person on the call also advised that I would likely be due further compensation, as I said to him, I do not want compensation, I do not want OVO’s money!!  I just want to pay my bill and close the account.  If I get more compensation on the account, OVO will actually owe me money.  If it is this hard to pay OVO money, I bet it is a million times harder to get OVO to pay me!!


I advise the person on the call that if no resolution is reached in 2 weeks, then I will contact the Energy Ombudsman for support.  Surely this must get resolved soon!!  At least before Christmas!!!  We’ll see…..

Userlevel 6

Hey @boslemx 


Sorry to hear about this.


I’ll make sure this information is passed onto the Forum Support so they can look into all of this for you. Hopefully they can help get a solution in motion soon.

Hey @boslemx 


Sorry to hear about this.


I’ll make sure this information is passed onto the Forum Support so they can look into all of this for you. Hopefully they can help get a solution in motion soon.


Finally resolved today @Abby_OVO. 👍🏻 Had a text through requesting urgent conversation with OVO about my outstanding debt.  Well I phoned the number back and spoke to somebody who finally managed to issue me a copy of my final bill via email and while still on the call!!  Great, I will be clearing the outstanding debit on the account this evening and closing the matter therefore!!  At last, a resolution, resolved so quickly today, but nonetheless completely unnecessary to take just over 3 months to reach this point!!



Userlevel 6

Hey @boslemx 


Glad to hear they’ve managed to get things sorted for you - all be it a little slower than needed, but glad to hear it’s now resolved.


Don’t hesitate to pop back anytime with anything else.🙂
