
Daily usage amount due not updating

  • 1 September 2023
  • 8 replies

Hi my online account daily usage amount is not updating it is still the same as the opening amount at the beginning of the month. Looking at the smart meter readings they have been updated daily. Is there a reboot that can be done.  It’s clearly an IT matter not a meter problem.


Best answer by teresa.sullivan 4 September 2023, 18:39

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @teresa.sullivan , what do you see on your usage page?
Nothing, or some graphic ?

Hi BPLightlog,  all the graphics are there including the daily kWh usage.  Its just the home page where it says amount to pay and make a payment now that normally changes daily has stayed at £2.15.  Which was what was left after I paid the bill last month.  I have just given them my gas reading as this is not a smart meter and the bill is the right amount.  It’s just the daily amount that hasn’t been updating.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I was just wondering how much of the detail was affected. So the latest billing page isn’t updating ?

I’ve seen something like that before but the graphics were missing too in that case

The latest billing page has updated since a gave the gas meter reading.  It’s the home page box “Amount to pay”  next to the box “set up your direct debit”


Userlevel 7

Hey @teresa.sullivan,


Sorry to hear this,


Are you able to upload a screenshot so we can see what you’re seeing on the online account?

Hi Emmanuelle,

It seems to have started working again, I managed to work out how much I owed for the previous month as the bill payment info page had updated and I paid it, which I think may have rebooted the system (possibly)!!!  Fingers crossed.

Many thanks for your quick reply.


Userlevel 3

I used to get my previous days usage by about 10am, suddenly its taking 2 or 3 days, anyone know why? Really annoying

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I used to get my previous days usage by about 10am, suddenly its taking 2 or 3 days, anyone know why? Really annoying

Could be a number of things .. I use a third party (authorised) for much of my info. For example, as of the early hours from this morning I got all of yesterdays usage info 

and I already have todays from a few hours ago 

Here’s a guide if you want a look - the services don’t cost anything 

