
Can't get my annual boiler service since moving to OVO

  • 19 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I have been transfered ti you from S S E in your takeover i and my wife are OLD AGE PENSIONERS we both have medical conditions my wife Arthritus and my self heart problems and COPD with S S E i had my boiler serviced every OCTOBER/November it was serviced last November 2023 i phoned up to have it serviced and was told next March at the earliest so that will be 16 months without a service when THEY SHOULD BE SERVICED ANNUALLY to prevent breakdowns and to work eficently so not to cost me more money i pay you £450 a year for this so why could you not have informed and serviced it  say in August /September to say i mad at your firm is a  understatment i have sent E mails about complaints NO ANSWER SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT i have been to CITZENS ADVICE


Best answer by Blastoise186 19 November 2023, 22:13

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3 replies

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First come, first served I’m afraid. This is why it’s strongly recommended you get this stuff booked in early. If you wait until now, almost all slots will be gone. Citizens Advice will not be able to queue jump you either.

Try doing it once registered for OVO’s Priority Services Register. You may get better results. I’d also recommend signing up for OVO PSR based on what you’ve said.

While I’ve got you though, I happen to be a community volunteer with the fire service in one of my other roles. I think you might benefit from a Home Fire Safety Visit as appliances that have missed their service do come within scope of what the visit looks for. If you’re up for it, you can request one via . Anything you get offered via this service is completely free of charge.

I don’t get commission or kickback if you use either of these links and I won’t know who you are - the details get sent directly to OVO (for the PSR registration) and to your local fire station (for the Safelincs form).

Blastoise 186 Thanks For your Info as i was transfered to OVO along with the other thousands from S S E when they where taken over by OVO i i thought we would have automaticly put on the PRIORITY SERVICE REGISTER when we where transfered over as we where on S S E PRIORITY REGISTER and the servicing was done by S S E every Year round about October/November every year so when i phoned they told me March at the earliest next year thats 16 months at least without a service which could make it dangerous as i pay OVO £450 per year i find this hard to swallow there was no info from OVO about anything if they sent anything i never had it only my bill over the next year

Userlevel 7
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All Priority Services Register data from SSE has been migrated over and loaded into OVO’s PSR system. If you were registered previously with SSE, that will have come with you and been kept active.

I am well aware of the migration because I used to be on SSE myself from 2018 to 2020. I just queue jumped over to OVO pretty much as soon as the takeover went public. As one of the forum volunteers here, I’m also kept very well informed of important changes like that one.

If you do that Safelincs form and get a visit from the fire service, they might be able to offer some advice about who else can service the boiler. You should bear in mind that OVO has FAR more customers on its books than SSE did and OVO only has a finite number of engineers available to do those service visits.

Your best bet is to accept whatever is offered for now and book in much sooner next time. If you’re slow off the mark, I’m afraid this will happen.
