Baffling email saying 'We're making some changes'?

  • 8 May 2023
  • 8 replies

OVO just sent me a totally bewildering email saying they’re “making some important changes”.

Could anyone explain in SIMPLE ENGLISH what these important changes are? Because the email seems like nonsense to me: sentence after sentence which doesn’t actually say anything, just wastes customers’ time, full of strange technical jargon like “supercharged upgrade”, “net zero”, “cutting carbon”, and “powering a more sustainable future for the country”. WHAT!?

Half the email is about the “climate crisis”. Why is my energy company promoting political issues? If I happened to be an enrivonmentalist, that would be MY business, nothing to do with OVO. I hate the presumptiousness of it all, treating its customers as though we’re all obsessed with environmental issues. I’m far more obsessed with TRUTH and INTEGRITY.

With that said, the email claims that OVO wants to “save energy” and charge its customers less. That is surely a lie, because NO business would aim to sell less product and charge customers less. So either OVO are just plain lying, or they don’t know the first thing about how business works.

Basically, the email comes across as nothing but a lot of idiotic waffle and disingenuous rhetoric. It fails to communicate what the “important changes” actually are.

The email also talks about “stress”. STRESS? Are OVO therapists? My idea of stress is having to endure nonsensical emails which claim to be “important” yet seem to amount to nothing.

I am NOT INTERESTED in reading self-indulgent claptrap about the company’s values, I just want to pay someone to get energy into my home. I don’t care about what they “believe”.

I’m looking forward to changing energy companies in the near future to a far less irritating provider which can communicate its policies clearly and succinctly, and doesn’t bother me with idiotic emails laced with political propaganda.

8 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @S Hart and welcome to this customer forum. I think you’ve possibly read into the email more than it’s saying. 
Whether your environment friendly or not, each supplier has been tasked with providing carbon net zero fuel in a timescale and obviously they can’t do this without customer support. 
While each of the supply and generation businesses look for sustainable solutions - renewable energy and such like - they no doubt will also be looking to offer other supporting services such as solar PV and EV charging at off peak times. 
You can reduce your emails by opting out of their marketing on your profile. 

Userlevel 7
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If you’re not interested in reading the email, just delete it.

Unfortunately, I can’t convert an email that I cannot see and I don’t have access to your email account. If you want me to translate it, I’ll need to see it first. Please remove personal information before uploading any screenshots though.

Thanks for the replies.

If you’re not interested in reading the email, just delete it.

I can hardly delete or ignore an email which says “We’re making some changes” and the opening paragraph says the changes are “important”.

Unfortunately, I can’t convert an email that I cannot see and I don’t have access to your email account. If you want me to translate it, I’ll need to see it first. Please remove personal information before uploading any screenshots though.


Here is the (nonsensical) email:


We're making some changes
Hi [my name]
We're always working on ways to make energy better for you, your wallet, and the planet. That's why we're making some important changes. Your energy prices and your supply won't be affected.
We believe there's a better way

We've made good progress on the UK's path to net zero. But we can do even better. Research shows that 100% renewable energy tariffs aren't actually making the grid greener. We have to go further. We need to save energy and use power at smarter times of the day. And the UK needs even more renewable power generation too.

In the fight against the climate crisis, we always follow the facts. So as we learn more, we change the way we do things. Our number one goal always stays the same: help our customers reduce their energy bills and cut our collective carbon footprint, at the same time.

That's why we're launching the Path to Zero. This will replace 100% renewable electricity for customers with a smart meter, which will end on 20th May 2023.

Find out more about why we're making this change.
The Path to Zero

Energy today can be a huge source of stress for both people and the environment. This is our plan to change that.

With the Path to Zero, you'll have a toolkit of smart tech to choose from. And our expert teams will be by your side. We'll help you take practical steps to save on your energy bills.
Better for you, your wallet, and the planet
Here's the stuff you will now get for being an OVO customer:   

Choose one energy-saving product or service - free or with a big discount. You can pick from things like smart thermostats or a visit from one of our Energy Experts - they help make your home more efficient.

Track your energy with our app. If you've got a smart meter, you can see exactly where your energy's going - from cooking to entertainment. And it tells you the greenest time to use energy.

Get rewarded for using energy at greener times. Eligible customers with a smart meter can get credit for doing this, when you sign up to Power Move.

Plant 1 million trees each year, right here in the UK - just by being with OVO.
More clean, green power for the UK
We're also supporting new wind and solar projects get off the ground. This means that more renewable power is being generated - without the need for government subsidies. Our additional support makes it easier for these projects to get funding.

Find out more about the Path to Zero. We're looking forward to sharing updates along the way. While we'd love you to stay with us, you can switch at any time without paying an exit fee, if you'd like to.

At OVO, we believe there's a better way to do energy. And this change is all part of that mission.
Raman, Alex, Charlotte, Steve, Christina, Dan, Joe, Mat and Vinny
The OVO Team

Whether your environment friendly or not, each supplier has been tasked with providing carbon net zero fuel in a timescale and obviously they can’t do this without customer support. 

I honestly don’t understand this. I’m not interested in those kind of environmental issues when my LOCAL environment is now so toxic with microwave radiation from smart meters, 5G, cell towers, WiFi etc which is a proven to be a SERIOUS hazard to human health. My only real environmental concern is getting well away from that evil technology!

Userlevel 7
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Personally I’m glad energy suppliers are trying to help people reduce our carbon-heavy electricity use.

Userlevel 7
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Yet I live in a flat full of WiFi Access Points from Ubiquiti UniFi and have suffered no ill effect whatsoever. I literally sleep right next to a Ubiquiti UniFi nanoHD every night and my brain isn't fried yet. If you have proof that it can fry my brain, please share it with us.
