Android app has stopped showing electricity usage - gas is still showing?
Hi, my android OVO app hasn't shown any electricity usage/cost since 20th October. Gas is fine. I've checked my SMETS1 smart meter and it's blinking and pausing as it should, therefore sending data. AFAIK, I have the latest version of the app, 15.5.0.
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@Emmanuelle_OVO The readings have come back in both the Android App and online, however, it now only shows previous day's readings. The ability to look further back has disappeared in the Android App but it is still there online.
The ability to look back I am referring to is in the ‘Usage’ page of the app. It is still available online via desktop.
Hey @ChrisHarris,
Have you recently updated the App? We did have another user recently update their app and lose this function.
It appears to be fine on ios phones though.
The ability to look back I am referring to is in the ‘Usage’ page of the app. It is still available online via desktop.
It has just come back for me in the last hour on the app on android @ChrisHarris@Emmanuelle_OVO
Thanks @Jeffus,
In that case @ChrisHarris I'd advise contacting Support, it seems it might be an account specific tech issue.
I’ll keep an eye out and if I hear anything internally about this being a wider issue I'll update this thread.
Thanks @Jeffus,
In that case @ChrisHarris I'd advise contacting Support, it seems it might be an account specific tech issue.
I’ll keep an eye out and if I hear anything internally about this being a wider issue I'll update this thread.
I would recommend checking to see if there is an update waiting for the app on the play store if it is still missing the arrows. I see the "code push" value for the app updated for me yesterday, then the arrows came back as per my screenshot. The code push value for me is now
Looks like that particular CodePush Version is on a staged rollout. You’ll get it automatically at some point when you launch the app, assuming it doesn’t get superseded before then.
Looks like that particular CodePush Version is on a staged rollout. You’ll get it automatically at some point when you launch the app, assuming it doesn’t get superseded before then.
The previous code push for me was simply a "-"
So perhaps something wasn't quite right for Chris and a few of us?
Not a great update generally, extra click now to see a breakdown of yearly, monthly, daily usage. Still no Future Annual Consumption on the Plan page.
Looking at the other ovo media channels, some customers feel like a backward step, and i tend to agree with them from what i have seen. Shame as i am sure a lot of effort is put into the app and website
My code push is currently "-"! So I will wait and see.
The CodePush Version being a dash usually means there’s been no refresh since you last installed the app or updated it from the App Store/Play Store. It’ll update again next time the app gets a refresh.
My app has only ever showed gas info in the ‘weekly usage section’ but my sister-in-law’s also shows electricity. How do I get mine to show both please?
Can you show a screenshot of what you can see please.
Here you go …
Hmm What do you see on these screens ?
I can see gas and electric on both of those screens - just not on the weekly usage
Just a thought… is your version of the app up to date ?? (struggling here)
Yes it is - I even removed the app and re-loaded it. Thanks for trying to help though
Blast ! Maybe @Blastoise186 has some better ideas ?
This doesn’t appear to be an app issue. It’s working for me with Oshawott (note for forum mods: Oshawott is running Android 13 now) with App Version 16.2.0 and CodePush Version v383 .
Try using from a computer and see if it shows up correctly there. You might have an account specific issue.
Hey @Soooy,
Sorry for the issues you’re having,
I’d advise trying the website as suggested by @Blastoise186.
Could it be that we are set to only take monthly readings from your electricity meter? But your gas smart meter sends readings daily.
Hi - I’ve just gone online and meter readings are being taken daily for both gas and electricity. However. when I go to usage and ask for daily figures I get the message ‘looks like we couldn’t find your usage data’ for both gas and electric and I get this message even when I go back to October - although the October and November monthly figures are showing. Confusing!
Hey @Soooy ,
Try asking OVO to backfill missing usage data and set the read schedule to Half-Hourly. Experience has shown that can help in cases like this one.
Thank you - I will give that a try.
My electricity usage graph for December 2022 goes up to 21 December and then stops. Daily meter readings are being transmitted as normal both on my IHD and on the website. I wondered if others were experiencing this or is it just me?
Not seen this recently @windpower but if the detail is on the web, it usually percolates back into other streams. There seems to have been a hiccup on intra-day data on 31st but not apart from that
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