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What to do if I can't afford the recommended Direct Debit amount?

  • 22 August 2022
  • 39 replies

I was an SSE customer for 9 years and had always managed my monthly direct debits succsessfully during that time. I was moved over to OVO automatically and my direct debit of £25.00  was accepted on 10th August, 2022. On the 11th August 2022 I received an email from OVO saying I hadn’t paid enough and saying I must pay £96.00 per month with immediate effect. I did then panic and cancelled the direct debit immediately as all I had in my bank account was just over £100 and OVO would have taken £96, leaving me with £7.00 to last me for food until the 24th of August! This massive 75% increase is not acceptable to me, I simply do not have the funds to pay it!. I am an OAP on State Pension live alone in a small flat. I use very little electricity compared to some users and hiking my direct debit like this is frightening. I have no idea now what to do. Can someone out there please help me? I don’t want to be in debt to OVO but how can I get them to see how badly this affecting me. I have various health issues including heart problems and anxiety, I am worried sick about not being able to cover this massive unreasonable cost. I am willing to work with OVO if they can come up with a reasonable amount to pay. My forecast for the 12 months from March 2022 to March 2023 was £433 with SSE. Please help. AC

39 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey @ramona9995,


I’m really sorry to hear this,


The wholesale price of fuel has increased significantly in recent times, and understandably it’s a worrying time for our customers.


Luckily, the government have intervened and capped the price for the average user through the Energy Price Guarantee. There is lot of other support available, like @Blastoise186 said you can call our Collections Team who’ll be able to offer financial advice and set up a payment plan that’s affordable to you. 


The government is also giving every household a £400 payment through the Energy Bills Support Scheme. The £400 discount will be spread over a 6 month period, from October 2022 to March 2023. You’ll receive £66 in October and November, and then £67 every month until March. 


The Priority Services Register can offer some free services, it also allows us to inform the DNO if there are any vulnerabilities in the property, so if there was a power cut you’d be prioritized. You mentioned you used a stairlift which qualifies as medical equipment, so I really would urge you to sign up. 


You might also be eligible for the Warm Home Discount payment this year:



I’ll get someone from Forum_Support to reach out, so please keep an eye on your Forum private messages.


Hope this helps. 

I’m already signed up for these services not much use if I can’t use it anyway as it’s too cold to go upstairs ,we are living in our living room basically I don’t qualify for warm home discount as I’m not on qualifying benefits my husband works 

Userlevel 4
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We've just had our loft insulted. We had insulation but it seems the last owners did it themselves and it basically didn't do anything. Last week we would wake up freezing, today when temperatures were zero outside and the cars frosted over, upstairs in our home was still fairly comfortable. 

I'm not sure if there are grants available, but we've gone from very little insulation to 100mm plus 200mm top layer insulation, I'm honestly surprised as the difference its made!  

Might be worth looking into if it hasn't been done already


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Your electricity bill seems really high given you have gas heating... I assume you have gas heating? Are you able to review what you're using that much electricity on? Or do you have someone who can help you do that? You might be able to get you usage down, which will reduce your bills and allow you to use the heating more.

Can ovo charge me 2200 for 8 moths what happend to the price cap of 2500 all my experience with ovo has been awful feel like I have been conned with them. Getting to a point were it is actually affecting my mental health. 

Yes, the price cap just limited the highest amount per each kWh energy company can charge, customers use more still need to pay more.

But my average is 103 a month so how is that possible?

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@Saly did you get in touch with OVO and request a Read Dispute? You’ve mentioned before that you migrated from SSE and @Emmanuelle_OVO asked Forum Support to contact you. 

It's been a on going mess which still isn't sorted in to my 9th or 10 th week thinking of going to ombudsman I have contacted my local mp too. I don't think I am getting anywhere and the exact me to pay so much like I grow money on trees.

Userlevel 7
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It's been a on going mess which still isn't sorted in to my 9th or 10 th week thinking of going to ombudsman I have contacted my local mp too. I don't think I am getting anywhere and the exact me to pay so much like I grow money on trees.

Hi @Saly you said in earlier posts you had already put in a complaint to the Ombudsman

"I have already put a complaint through to ombudsman"

Is the Ombudsman dealing with this issue for you?

I don't work for OVO, I am just a customer like you 

No I Said I have contacted my local mp and was giving ovo benifit of the doubt but I will be going to the ombudsman.

Userlevel 7
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No I Said I have contacted my local mp and was giving ovo benifit of the doubt but I will be going to the ombudsman.

You posted this a month ago, saying you had involved the Ombudsman:

"Could somebody help me I am currently pregnant and have a 3 year old. I need a phone number of ovo biggest manager or complaints person. I have been ringing ovo since I recieved this ridiculous bill on 16th December I am not getting no update or feedback from my case handler. Its utterly appalling I have never jn my life had to deal with people like this. I must have spoken to every person in ovo. I am left still hanging about my bill. I have already put a complaint through to ombudsman. And really going ad far as speaking to the journalists. I need some1 to resolve my bill. My electricity bill per month is usually around 50 pounds If that and u think I used for 1 month 1357 pounds worth of gas are u having me on!! Am I paying for 2 streets!!! I had been with sse for nearly 8 years and no issues and not even 6 moths in with ovo they mess my gas bill up. The customer service in ovo its utterly terrible. I am the 1 who has to keep calling every day and been doing the detective work. When it is supposed to be ovo!!!!!"

I don't work for OVO, I am just a customer like you 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@Saly Have you put in an official complaint to OVO?

They have 8 weeks to sort it out or issue a deadlock letter. 

Then you can go to the Energy Ombudsman

Did you raise a complaint with OVO at any time in the last 9 to 10 weeks? 

"It's been a on going mess which still isn't sorted in to my 9th or 10 th week thinking of going to ombudsman I have contacted my local mp too. I don't think I am getting anywhere and the exact me to pay so much like I grow money on trees." 

You need to raise a complaint with OVO before going to the Energy Ombudsman. 

I don't work for OVO, i am just a customer like you. 

Userlevel 1

Thing is OVO have a nasty habit of going over the top with the energy direct debit increases.  Jumped from £121 to £165 a month, DESPITE  always being in credit, guess what after the increase STILL always in credit Now just even more so and we have a smart meter so OVO know exactly what is being used   Dreading what they’ll attempt to put it upto next. OVO is 100% renewable energy I believe which is cheaper than the opposite. I also think it’s thoroughly shameful that energy companies increase the tariffs should a customer wish to not pay by direct debit.  Cannot wait for the caps to come back down and it’s bye bye OVO! 

*Join the queue..didn't get asked to join them either! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thing is OVO have a nasty habit of going over the top with the energy direct debit increases.  Jumped from £121 to £165 a month, DESPITE  always being in credit, guess what after the increase STILL always in credit Now just even more so and we have a smart meter so OVO know exactly what is being used   Dreading what they’ll attempt to put it upto next. OVO is 100% renewable energy I believe which is cheaper than the opposite. I also think it’s thoroughly shameful that energy companies increase the tariffs should a customer wish to not pay by direct debit.  Cannot wait for the caps to come back down and it’s bye bye OVO! 

*Join the queue..didn't get asked to join them either! 

Is there anything we can help with @Raymond Crofto 
