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Storage Heater not working after Smart Meter installed

I had a smart meter installed 2 weeks ago and since then my storage heaters and immersion element to heat up the water in a big cylinder tank are not working anymore. Both only run on off peak electricity. I have raised this with OVO, an emergency engineer, a commissioned engineer, came but couldn’t solve the problem. Since then I’m daily on the phone with OVO but nobody is able to help. I’ve raised a complaint, got a call from OVO and was told that my case is being looked into and I would get a call back. Nobody was ringing back. It’s very stressful to call daily, explain the same problem each time and not getting anywhere. I was even told by one operator that it’s my problem and not OVO’s.. It’s absolutely outrageous that an organisation like OVO is not able to rectify the problem. I wonder if someone had similar experience and can give advise how to handle the matter. Thank you

122 replies

Userlevel 2

I spoke to the electrician on the phone and he said he would not take on this job as it's for OVO to fix it. No charges for the phone call.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Unfortunately, a lot of malicious folks would take advantage of such callbacks and try to spoof OVO…

The diagnostic also takes time to run iirc - just in case it’s a transient issue.

Userlevel 2

Sorry to keep on posting.

I'm so confused by this email OVO sent me earlier today.

 Rang OVO just now, was put on hold after telling my details,  line failed 2 X. After ringing the 3rd time the operator said the earliest appointment will be the 6th December. 

Have the remote checks done to attempt fixing my off peak problem and that's why OVO sent me this email? 

Or has the smart meter not communicating with OVO nothing to do with my storage heater problem?

The only thing I heard from OVO today was the email.

Sadly, the operator couldn't help much with these matters. He also couldn't transfer me to the person ringing me yesterday evening. 

What I'm supposed to do?
I really can't deal with this anymore. It’s 4 weeks this Saturday.








Userlevel 2

Sorry to keep on posting.

I'm so confused by this email OVO sent me earlier today.

 Rang OVO just now, was put on hold after telling my details,  line failed 2 X. After ringing the 3rd time the operator said the earliest appointment will be the 6th December. 

Have the remote checks done to attempt fixing my off peak problem and that's why OVO sent me this email? 

Or has the smart meter not communicating with OVO nothing to do with my storage heater problem?

The only thing I heard from OVO today was the email.

Sadly, the operator couldn't help much with these matters. He also couldn't transfer me to the person ringing me yesterday evening. 

What I'm supposed to do?
I really can't deal with this anymore. It’s 4 weeks this Saturday.








That’s shocking.  You must be wishing you had never tried a smart meter!  As a storage heater user myself, there’s no way I would agree to having a smart meter until there’s a guaranteed system set up for those of us in this position.


Will they not even agree just to reinstate what you had?


I really feel for you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

The only way is onwards, there is no turning back. Once a Smart Meter is installed, there’s no downgrading back to Traditional - especially not back to RTS Meters.

I’d say go ahead and book that request to get the ball rolling. This feels like a specific case of a dud meter rather than anything to do with the Smart Meter stuff.

Userlevel 2

@Maureen D apparently no stock of traditional meters around anymore….not sure if I believe this...I know Blastoise doesn't like me saying this, but yes, wish never would have agreed to the smart meter after OVO really pushed to agree getting one. Once I agreed they were really quick giving me installation appointment. Not quick  at all once problems accrued.
Nobody ever asked if I had storage heaters before installing and I would have never thought this could be a problem.

@Blastoise186 earliest appointment they offered me is 6th December!!!!

Perhaps I got the hint and try to find a malicious electrician…

Anybody knows if a privat electrician is able to fix the smart meter? They won't have access to OVO I believe? So in my mind that doesn't work?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Nope, no electrician will touch the meter if they want to stay alive.

Userlevel 7

Did you get an IHD with your smart meter? If so, is it giving you any useful data? If it is, you could check whether your usage data are getting through to DCC; if they are, the ‘communication’ problem is at OVO’s end for them to sort out. 

We’d be happy to guide you through the steps to check this out - just say.



Userlevel 7

It’s my understanding that you’re working with OVO on this issue, @mazza. Hopefully we can get things sorted for you without further delay. 

Userlevel 2

Yes, Ovo arranged for a partner engineer to come and he is changing the smart meter to a heritage meter as we speak. First he tried to commission the smart meter but that didn't work. 
After 4 weeks without heating and hot water hope all will be working smoothly.
Next battle will be to get compensation and refund for 2 engineers not turning up. 

Userlevel 6

Hey @mazza 


Glad to hear they got someone out to you to get this sorted.


How have things been since the engineer visit? Are the Storage Heaters and hot water working as they should?

Userlevel 2

Yes, all back to normal. Sadly, no smart meter for me.

Userlevel 2

Yes, all back to normal. Sadly, no smart meter for me.



Good to hear.  As someone with a similar set up, I will hold off getting a smart meter until they have been better tried and tested for our circumstances.  Hopefully something suitable will be available before too much longer.


I really need urgent help and opinion.

I am very exhausted.

I moved to my current flat. 
Two months later, I noticed that our bill is going up without using too much. In my flat, it is economy 7 meter with storage heater and boiler. But the peak reading was going up significantly. I spoke to OVO and they said to switch to Smart meter then they can have a look for me. After installation of smart meter last Thursday, storage heater and boiler are not working any more. I contacted on Saturday through chat box and they said the smart meter was working, asked me to contact landlord to find the electrician.

I said it exactly happened after installation of smart meter and I searched in google and I found it can happen. No one explains me about that before installation of smart meter. Now I am in big trouble, I don’t have boiler and heater since Friday. Now they checked everything for me and they can’t find any fault. Yesterday, engineer came and reset the setting, but it is still not working. So far, I am still awaiting another appointment, but it’s very difficult as I am working.

I prefer to change back to previous meter, but they said they can’t do that for me.

What is your suggestion? I am physically and mentally exhausted .

Many thanks 

Userlevel 7
Badge +1


There is no downgrade once Smart Meters are installed. The previous meter will have also been physically destroyed as well.

Try asking OVO to reconfigure the ECAUL/ALCS Configs in the first instance. That fixes most of these issues. If that doesn’t work, the fault might be elsewhere.


Thank you for your advice.

I asked them as I saw in the previous post in this forum group chat. But it looked like they didn’t take any consideration. 
I will ask them again.

Many thanks 

Actually I don’t know that can happen after installation of smart meter. I just searched in google yesterday and then I found that that can happen. OVO company didn’t explain me anything previously. 

Userlevel 7

Hey @Zin,


Is this sorted now? If not, let me know and I can ask Forum_Support to reconfigure the ECAUL/ALCS. 


I had sent an email this morning and they said they had already done.

I am awaiting another engineer appointment.



Please see attached photos.

1st photo took at 2:52 am in the morning( off peak hour) and 2nd photo took in the morning (peak hour).

What is the sign l and ll in the right corner of display?

Many thanks for your support.


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

At the time of the photo, your main supply was energised/connected. The secondary load for things like storage heaters was de-energised/disconnected.


Sorry, I don’t understand.

What does that mean?

Does it mean heater is not working during off period as the signs are the same position during off peak and peak periods?

Many thanks for your quick reply.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Oh, it’s working and doing exactly what’s programmed.

The fix is to send ECAUL remotely. @Emmanuelle_OVO has offered to arrange that. Would you like to accept?


Yes, of course.

This morning, when I spoke to OVO about this advice and they replied that they had already done. If @Emmanuelle_OVO  can check again, that would be great.

I want to fix it ASAP.


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Got it. I’ll get someone to arrange for Forum_Support to reach out.

Please bear with me as this may take some time. I can’t authorise it myself, so I have to go via Forum Moderators.
