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Need help!

  • 18 May 2024
  • 7 replies

This morning I has been shocked with email from OVO energy,  : I’m Shivraj, a billing agent here at OVO. I’m getting in touch today to let you know that because of an error on our system, your bills were missing some charges. I’m very sorry about this.

So, at 13/02/24. new smart meters has been installed at property as previous meters , as I been told, was too old and they did not send usage info to smart display and my bills were issued by estimates, which appeared later were not too wrong.

After meters has been installed, I was monitoring our household energy consumption very carefully every day as I was all about to optimize it as much as possible.  Average usage of electricity in our property is about 10 kwhr daily, in average month it comes out as 310 kwhr. I did not noticed any excessive usage spikes as we using the same appliances for many years, such as PC, telly, fridge etc. So, I was happy, that I can see current usage of energy and I can track any device separately.

Also, I was keeping an eye on my monthly usage in my account. I paying direct debit which was based on estimate average , actually it is a little above , but it can help to create a comfortable safety cushion.

Everything was fine till this morning, when I received email from OVO energy. To be honest, my hands are still shaking and heart is beating hard, I just can not calm down,

Account shows me that I was using electricity from 13/02. -16/02/24 395kwhr every day, which comes out 1600 kwh of excessive usage. An electricity meter shows as well  as Ive been excessive amount of energy, which is absolutely wrong . For a period from February till today it should not be more than 1000 kwh, but on display it shows 2475kwh.

I really hope it is a system fault/error, which can be tracked and fixed.

Please help me and give me an advise, what should I do now, ho can I proof that I was not using that energy. We even do not have that kind of tool or appliances, which could use that much power in 1 day as per 1 month whole household.

7 replies

Userlevel 5

Hey @GirtsB.


Have you spoken with our Support Team yet? They would be the best place for you to start looking into this so they can check the readings. They can also raise a read dispute to have the readings looked at and, if necessary, corrected. You can find more information on meter reading disputes in our help centre. ​


I found a similar article from another member that may help


Keep us updated with your progress. 



Hi Christopher.

Thank you for your reply.

I just spoke with customer service. After small discussion, they agreed that 1600kwh consuption for 4 days is abnormal. They assumed, after smart meter installation it freezed for 4 days and after (which is very odd) it started to work with 1000s instead of 0 on display.

They opened a case and escalated it to another department, they should sort it out and correct to the right ballance in 14 days.

Userlevel 5

Hey @GirtsB.


I appreciate the update and it sounds like speaking with Support was the right option.  


Let us know how things go and if we can do anything else to help 🙂

So, yes, my issue is sorted out now! It took less than 24hrs all in all, OVO admitted that was a system/meter fault and fixed it. Now I am in credit again, all it cost, it was just a little of my nerves over the weekend, when all lines were closed.

I have the same problem, I received this email today, and I’m a new customer, I have only one bill

I have the same problem, I received this email today, and I’m a new customer, I have only one bill

Definitely speak with customer service Monday morning, Last time I did so and they admitted their smart meter /reader was start count from thousands instead of zero.

Good luck!

Userlevel 4

Hi @Cogeasca,


I’m sorry to hear this. Have you managed to get in touch with the Support team  about this yet?
