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How can I re-energise my property?

  • 14 June 2024
  • 4 replies

Can somebody help I just bought a property supplied by OSO I get keys a weeks time. Right problem is there is no electric meter or main isolator. I spoke to OSO today to try sort things before moving or get an idea of time scale. They said it’s a classed a new connection. 25 to 30 days for application then date after this time for installation. I also spoke to northern power they say it’s just re energise as power still there. Nether wants to take any responsibility for problem and won’t help. I cannot go to another supplier as they won’t except till meter goes in. At moment don’t know what I’m meant to do I have emailed OVO they not interested as email not registered to account of property they say. I can’t open account yet till I get into the house. Beyond a joke how stuff works. End of day it’s not my fault no meter in I didn’t take it out why didn’t they just take main fuse out. At least could have got northern power in to connect up. Any help especially from OVK would be nice

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1


Can you show us the board as it is please? This will help us give you the right advice. Without photos of the current meter board, we’ll be unable to figure out what’s going on. Please post them in your next reply if you can.

With that being said, if both the Meter AND the Main Fuse are gone, you could be waiting a couple of months to get services fully restored.


Hi don't have picture as not got in yet but the main fuse holder is still there what i saw. The meter and tails are not. The consumer unit tails have been snipped off going into to consumer unit. I believe meter and isolator missing possibly because they didn't pay bill, or might be because they was a small fire upstairs but that was from a portable electric fire that plugs in. I'm gonna get rewired anyway with new consumer unit but I'm still stuck without power. When i get in. Till find away of getting meter installed. I'm just wondering if when I move in request a smart meter then they would have to fit a meter. But no idea on time line of that either.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

There is someone I can ask about that, but not until Monday. Please bear with me.

Userlevel 4



I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re having with this. Have you managed to get this sorted yet?


As our forum volunteer Blastoise186 has mentioned, we’d be able to provide better advice if we were able to see the set up at the property.


It sounds like you may need a new connection set up.


This thread may be helpful:


