
Constant Blue Light on IHD Malfunction or?

  • 23 September 2023
  • 4 replies

We have recently moved supplierĀ and have electricity on a credit tariff and our gas on PAYG. Usually the meter will show the standard three usage lights Green/ Amber and Red to show our energy usage, but all of a sudden it has lately being switching to a solid blue light (see image below) and the only way to return it to the standard usage lights, is to reboot the IHD, but his only works for a day or two before the blue light comes back.


Is this a fault with the IHD? As you can see, it is still the same IHD that came with the original smart meter that we had installed (and still have) when we switched to a smart meter with our old supplierĀ 




Best answer by Emmanuelle_OVO 25 September 2023, 12:00

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @NotQuiteAliceĀ , normally a blue light indicates a gas only supply although here I can see your electric usage andĀ icon as well.Ā 
Might there be a budget set for gas usage which needs adjusting?

HiĀ @NotQuiteAliceĀ , normally a blue light indicates a gas only supply although here I can see your electric usage andĀ icon as well.Ā 
Might there be a budget set for gas usage which needs adjusting?


I don't think I ever messed around with the budget settings, and to be honest, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

The one thing I have noticed is this morning it has gone back to the standardĀ Green/Ā AmberĀ andĀ Red, showing our energy usage.

What I am thinking is that perhaps the blue indicator is a newish function to show when someone is in the eco zone of their power plan, you know, when itā€™s the best times to use washing machines etc. It does seem to go blue after 9pm (ish), I will monitor it tonight and see if it does it again.

Userlevel 7

HeyĀ @NotQuiteAlice,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


I looked into this for you and couldnā€™t find information about what blue means specifically. I think that it may be, as BPLightog suggested to do with a budget. When you move across from your old supplier the IHD may switch back to factory settings. Before it ā€˜re-learnsā€™ your usage patterns.


If you have any further clarity or updates on this please report backĀ šŸ™‚

Mine has also gone blue the last few days and I've not moved supplier or changed any budgets or even touched it! It doesn't change either when I put the kettle on.

Therefore I think you might be right in saying it's something to do with the time of day. I'll watch mine too šŸ˜„
