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Chameleon In Home Display (IHD) 3 stopped receiving Aclara S2 electricity smart meter usage info?

(Dammit, due to a mix of bad luck, confusing UI issues with the zoomed-in responsive page layout, the post-editing time window, and forgetting to select all plus copy before hitting post, I’ve just lost the content of this post now 3 times…. aaarrrgggh)

Forgive me for I have sinned… I used to be a regular on the forums here but haven’t posted in over a year, sorry.  Glad to see @Transparent is still around and that there’s others volunteering here also.  :)


TL;DR  Like some other posters here, I seem to have lost electric info on our IHD


We’ve had our gas and electric smart meters for a few yeas now, for the last year things have been working fine.

Sometime in the last few months our IHD stopped displaying electric info.  The IHD does display info about our current and historic gas usage plus gas meter info, but the gas tariff info is now missing and there’s nothing about the electric supply/usage/meter on it at all any more.



  • SMETS2
  • Installed via OVO a few years ago (not inhereted from previous supplier)
  • Gas meter (can’t remember, can’t easily get to it to check right now)
  • Aclara SGM1412-B Electric Meter
  • Toshiba SKU1 Cellular Hub
  • Chameleon IHD3-PPMID in home display



  • Website/app seem to be getting frequent usage information uploads from the meters suggesting good  meters → hub → DCC → OVO  communications
  • On the hub, all LEDs except the MESH one flash every 5 seconds -- as they’re supposed to
  • Time is always accurate on the IHD whenever I’ve looked
  • The signal strength indicator on the IHD is always solid, although not very strong; however, it’s been like that for the past year or so, whilst working fine.  Nothing new getting in the way or blocking the signal. No new devices nearby that might interfere etc. For the last couple of days I’ve relocated it nearer to get a better signal, for testing purposes.
  • I’ve turned the IHD off for a while (and have done the 10-second reboot thing.)



I’ve already phoned it in to OVO and have received the standard response about it taking up to 45 days to be addressed by the technical crew.  Reading others’ experiences with this issue on this forum, I don’t hold out much hope of a fix any time soon. which is a real pain as we’re desperate to start adapting our behaviours to reduce our energy usage which means needing easy access to current usage info.

Is there anything more I can do to help get this fixed?

(I’m a techie with some electronics and lots of computer knowledge.  I was asked about becoming a volunteer here in the past but life got in the way unfortunately.)


The IHD that’s not playing ball
The electric meter and hub
The IHD model info
The meter install.  I had to post this as I caught the LEDs mid flash, what are the chances of that?  And no, I’ve no idea what’s going to happen when any of the neighours in this block of flat decide they’d like smart meters too -- which idiot thought it would be clever to squeeze all of these meters  into one small box huh?


Hi @Jamesons , presumably you’re talking about your IHD (in home display) rather than the smart meter itself. Generally these units are in continuous use after installation. Which unit do you have?

Hi BPLightlog

After much searching the unit is a Chameleon SEDv3.


This is the Chameleon webpage with guides identified.

There are also videos available (they work the same, whoever the supplier).

Your note of an SED v3 is probably an IHD3 version. See here for some other notes on that 



See if this helps


After much searching the unit is a Chameleon SEDv3.


That looks to be an old model. There was one, vintage 2016, at auction on Ebay a few minutes ago:

 Look familiar?

Hi I've been having problems with my ihd3 it's not shown any electricity information for about 3 weeks, it still shows gas, I've gone through the unplugging and switching off to try and reboot but no luck. The three lights at the bottom are not on, they only light up when I switch it on while trying to reboot. The meter itself is an edmi es 10b. Anyone have any ideas thanks.

Hi @Steve67 ,

Do you see any errors or warnings on this tool: ?

Please make sure NOT to reveal personal info, including your MPAN/MPRN.
