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Hi Everyone,


I have been using Ovo long time, pay as use. Last 4 years I have smart meter and last 2 years I am using app to follow what I spend and pay. Everytime I pay more than what I see on the app but some reason every month app shows I have debt from last month! It is weird . 


numbers include gas and electrci together. I am aware of increases but it is not about that. 

August App shows I owe £50 due to usage, I paid in £100.invoice shows £85.

September App show I owe £82 due to usage ,I paid in £120 .invoice shows 102 

Oct App show I owe £98 due to usage ,I have not paid and invoice is on 24th of Oct and today balance App shows £140 :) 


it has been happening last 1 year like that , My usage of month much much less than invoices. I have been thinking maybe I had previous owe but I always use pay as use so not possible. 

i felt like their sustem has an issue! Or their hand likes my pocket :) 

One odd thing that I have noticed with the udated app is that the usage shown by default is only for electricty.

So if you also have gas then you have to tap it and change it to show you the ‘Total’ for both fuels, you should only need to do that once and it will remember what you have set.

And then there is another twist to know about -

Remember that it is showing you usage for the Calendar Month, your actual billing period dates are almost certain to be different.

Tap “Bills” at the bottom of the screen which shows the bills. You can tap each one to see more details.

As an example my app currently shows my Total usage for this calendar month as £51.10.

However my billing period is 24th to 23rd of each month, (so ends today), and my actual usage for my billing period is £72.58, because it started a week before the 1st October.


Yes, I am aware of electricity and gas shows seperate and I check always total.

yes again I am aware of bills from 24th 24th and I do check daily as well and it was easy to calculate 5-6 days differences while daily shows £2 pound. I am taking a note of every single payment I do and collecting all invoice and I am sure something not right.And there is no contact number to ask them to check my account 🙂 weird 🙂 have been calling them but no luck 🙂 not sure even I talk someone in Uk :)

Well it's my billing that runs 24th to 23rd, it would be quite a coincidence if yours did too.

Have you tried using the online account in a browser on a computer/laptop rather than using the app?

It has different options and personally I find it easier to keep track of things there.

Including downloading your billing which is much easier to read on a bigger screen.

From what you have said about paying different amounts then I am assuming that you don't pay by Direct Debit.

I will try. But at the end I have bigger screen excel where I write everything 🙂 and calculate. The issue worst case scenario they can say their app do not calculate well and clean hands 😝

I had a re-read of your post and believe I’ve spotted what is going on:


August App shows I owe £50 due to usage, I paid in £100.invoice shows £85.

September App show I owe £82 due to usage ,I paid in £120 .invoice shows 102 


it has been happening last 1 year like that , My usage of month much much less than invoices.


So for August you had £50 due to usage, but you then have to add a months worth of standing charges, and then apply VAT to that Total.

Depending on your tariff standing charges that could fairly easily take the £50 usage up to the £85 invoiced.

For August the difference between usage and invoiced was £35.

For September the difference was £20, but then when you acount for the £15 that you overpaid in August it becomes a £35 difference again.

It looks to me that the differences you are seeing between usage and invoice is simply the standing charges and VAT.


Hi @Alkan,


It seems that our forum volunteer has already answered this for you. Hope it was helpful.


This thread may also be useful:



Please let us know if you have any further issues.


Thabk you Nuke… Seem to me you sre right.I will check and of year report and will compare 2 full years to see :)) 


thanks again your time
