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Hello all.

I only joined OVO in March, so I’ve only had 4 monthly statements so far & every 1 of them have been wrong.

As a new customer I’ve been keeping an eye on my account, just to make sure my direct debit payment covers my actual usage costs.

I’m guessing I have a different setup to most, as in the fact that we have 2 gas meters & 1 electric. only 1 gas, 1 elec are smart meters.

The normal view on the illustrative statement is correct up until my monthly statement has been produced, so the billing on all 3 meters is in sync. Albeit as long as a manually supply my dumb meter reading.

But my actual bill so far every month has only incorporated any 1 of the meters, or 2 of the meters or even once after a phone call to OVO to let them know, it had been amended to show a combination of 2 different meters.

Every month I place a call to OVO to let them know my monthly statement is wrong again & eventually OVO produces a correct statement.

I’m almost certain it’s the 3 meters & not the usual 2 that are the problem.

I did have the smart meters turn dumb for 6 weeks in May- June with the IHD also showing no data, a power cut during the night restored the service, I lost the daily smart meter readings for a week the end of June so yet another phone call to OVO, but OVO we’re still receiving readings, my OVO account is now showing smart meter readings OK but is not showing any usage data for July.

I've had more conversations with OVO in 3 months than I’ve had with any energy supplier over the last 10 yrs.

How hard can it be to get my actual monthly statement correct.



Hi ​@SLloyd 


Sorry to hear about this.


We don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum so we can’t know exactly what details they do or don’t have.




Am I free to leave Ovo at this present time? The operator told me that as they have incomplete information it would not be possible? (Despite the fact the information is their own information!? ) as I have been an Ovo customer since I bought this house (4 years ago) and the owner many years before that too. 


If you’ve got an account set up in your own details then I can’t be sure why you wouldn’t be able to leave, if you were to switch and we raise an objection, it’s because you’re not able to leave OVO yet. This might need to happen if:

  • You still have a balance to pay

  • You’re breaking the terms of your contract

  • Your energy supply has been switched accidentally – known as an “erroneous transfer”

  • You spot an erroneous transfer and ask us to block it

  • You've got a “related” meter or meters, which have 2 or more meter point administration numbers (MPANs) – and your new supplier hasn't switched both at the same time

If we do raise an objection, we have to let you know as soon as possible and we must explain:

  • The reason we’ve raised the objection

  • Anything you can do that will help resolve the objection and mean we can remove it


There’s an article here about leaving OVO if you want to read more about this.


I’d recommend contacting the Support Team about this so they can take a look, our teams are still available, you can contact our Support team by webchat or phone. We’re also on Facebook with some extended opening hours for emergencies. Please use the links below for our social channels or chat to us on Whatsapp at 0330 175 9695.


Let us know how you get on.
