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Forum colours in dark mode

  • 8 January 2023
  • 4 replies

Using Microsoft Edge 110 on Windows 11 with dark mode enabled for all pages.

A recent change to forum styles means that a thread list block title appears white until the cursor hovers over it, when it changes to green. That’s fair enough and quite snappy, but once the cursor moves out of the topic card, the colour reverts to an almost invisible dark grey:

Colour transition white > green > dark grey

Would someone please bring this to the designers’ attention? Thanks!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hmm… Tricky one…

Personally, I think this might be out of scope for inSided because it’s probably a browser bug. It’s Microsoft Edge after all, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Micro$oft screwed up again.

Not much inSided can do in those cases - it’d be the same as if a browser extension was breaking a site. Only the extension developer can fix those cases.

Userlevel 7

A browser bug? You may be right, because the page seems to work as designed in Edge’s Stable release, but exhibits the fault in the Dev version. It’s the first time I’ve noticed anything like this. Could you get your mates to test in Edge Dev - as they should be doing anyway, since that will usually become the Stable version in a few weeks’ time. 

I’ve reported it to the Edge devs. Do you see anything simlar in Chrome 110, if that’s what you use?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

I’m on Chrome Stable 108 right now and I’m not seeing anything weird. My software installs are managed by Ninite Pro and it doesn’t support Beta/Dev/Canary versions of Edge nor Chrome, so I just stick with Chrome Stable (I hate Edge).

Just so ya know, I’ll get this one over to inSided to see what they say anyway. I’ll be back with their response.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

As I suspected.

Hi Blastoise!
Thank you for your message.
This is actually expected to happen on some pages because the dark mode is not supported by us officially - so it is likely that there are even more elements not rendering correctly besides the URL you shared -
This user is probably using some extension like Dark Reader to always force pages to be in dark mode.
As this is not supported by us, we will not be able to help here unfortunately.
Although, I 100% agree that dark mode is a very good feature to have as I personally always use it on websites/apps that natively support it.
We already have an idea created in the inSpired community by another user- - but unfortunately, it has not made it to our roadmap yet.
Hope you understand and wish you a great week ahead!


That Idea link won’t work for you I’m afraid as it’s restricted access. But I can tell you it has a lot of upvotes on it.
