We went away switched off gas at the boiler and the daily usage graph in my app are showing normal and above normal usage - why is this and how can I rely on it when the house was empty and no gas was used ?!? This was 28th to 1Jan
We went away switched off gas at the boiler and the daily usage graph in my app are showing normal and above normal usage - why is this and how can I rely on it when the house was empty and no gas was used ?!? This was 28th to 1Jan
If it was JUST the usage graph, you can ignore that - it’s the Meter Readings you actually want to look at as that’s what OVO is actually using to bill you - not the usage data!
Thanks for replying
So what’s the point of a usage graph if it doesn’t show usage ? Thanks
The usage graph is a visual indicator, purely intended to give you a rough guide of what you’re using - especially in the case of gas where it’s much harder to calculate.
It’s purely a fancy graph, nothing more.
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