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I took out an evenings and weekend contract with Southern Electric back in 2002, and had a digital meter installed, which autonomously switched for the off-peak times during the week 1930-0730, and all weekend.

I was transferred to OVO, and was still happily carrying on with this plan.

I have just had a smart meter installed, which is capable of handling dual tariffs, but the off-peak times are not correct, last night it switched to tariff 2 at midnight, and back to tariff 1 at 0700.

I opened a chat, only to be told, that firstly it would take 4-6 weeks for the meter to update (??), and then that I was on an economy 7 contract which meant I would only get off-peak electricity 2300-0600, again, that the correct timings would happen in 4-6 weeks.

My tariff on the OVO app shows as Simpler Energy - 2 rate, and I am not sure how this indicates which plan they consider I'm on?

Has anybody experienced similar of OVO believing they are on a different plan to what they originally signed up to?

Hi ​@Pompey_Pip ,

This new setup sounds correct to me. You had a Legacy RTS Tariff - SSE Evening & Weekend by the sounds of things - that is no longer supported and hasn’t been sold for over a decade. As part of migrating to Smart Meters, you would have agreed to change to either Flat/Single Rate, Economy 7, Economy 9 or Economy 10 and it sounds like you picked Economy 7. The hours you’re seeing are therefore correct for Economy 7. The Evening & Weekend Tariff is no longer available and is thus not supported on Smart Meters.

I’m sorry to say this, but your old tariff is no longer available and you can’t switch back to it. IIRC you would have been told this upfront as part of booking the upgrade.

Part of the idea here is to simplify things and reduce the number of complex tariffs on the market. Many of them have become terrible value over recent years and it’s generally considered in your best interests to get rid of them.


I was not told anything about having to swap to Economy 7 or 10 or that my existing plan was no longer available.  In fact it is still referenced as a plan on the OVO website

The Engineer installing the meter stated that I would remain on the evenings and weekend plan, so what you are stating is the first time I have heard any reference to this scenario.

As I do not have electric heating, or water storage tank, the economy 7 plan is of no use to me at all, and will actually cost me more based on what I am paying for my tariff 1, so if I had been made aware of this, I would have opted for a standard single tariff plan.

You still have that option if you talk to OVO’s Support Team. If you wish, you can ask them to migrate you to a Flat Rate tariff. Given you’re on Simpler Energy, there will be no exit fee.

But AFAIK pretty much all those legacy tariffs are going away - they’re definitely no longer sold! The article does also mention that they’re no longer supported...

You had a Legacy RTS Tariff - SSE Evening & Weekend by the sounds of things - that is no longer supported and hasn’t been sold for over a decade. 

I’m sorry to say this, but your old tariff is no longer available …

I’m not sure this is true. OVO still have a tariff like this available for sale in the Southern region:

The smart meter Pip probably had fitted should be capable of handling the evening and weekend part, but not the 24-hour heating part: the load switch is either on or off. Without this, the plan would probably be exorbitantly expensive, always supposing that the billing system could cope with it.

For an Economy 7 tariff to be worthwhile, heating would have to be by night storage heaters. If this is what Pip has, then arranging for them to charge up (and perhaps for an immersion heater to provide hot water) during the night would be a good solution. Otherwise, Economy 10 with its four or five overnight hours and five or six in a couple of slots during the afternoon and evening might work. The cheap rate isn’t quite so cheap on E10, but it would be less than the flat rate.


It’s worth remembering that we’re talking about a Legacy RTS Tariff/Legacy Complex Tariff here. These are exactly the type which trigger Vendor Lock-In and other issues and are precisely why they’re being withdrawn from the market.

IIRC there’s no like-for-like option with any other supplier and OVO supports them purely under a Grandfather Rule at the moment. There’s zero guarantee that support for them will continue into the future.
