I took out an evenings and weekend contract with Southern Electric back in 2002, and had a digital meter installed, which autonomously switched for the off-peak times during the week 1930-0730, and all weekend.
I was transferred to OVO, and was still happily carrying on with this plan.
I have just had a smart meter installed, which is capable of handling dual tariffs, but the off-peak times are not correct, last night it switched to tariff 2 at midnight, and back to tariff 1 at 0700.
I opened a chat, only to be told, that firstly it would take 4-6 weeks for the meter to update (??), and then that I was on an economy 7 contract which meant I would only get off-peak electricity 2300-0600, again, that the correct timings would happen in 4-6 weeks.
My tariff on the OVO app shows as Simpler Energy - 2 rate, and I am not sure how this indicates which plan they consider I'm on?
Has anybody experienced similar of OVO believing they are on a different plan to what they originally signed up to?