Since Saturday there don’t appear to be any readings on the app. It says missing data. Meter seems to be recording accurately and the meter is sending readings but Ovo isn’t receiving or recording them? Is there a major issue at Ovo?
You say that the meter is sending readings .. can you see the readings elsewhere or are you assuming based on the led flashes?
The readings are sent via DCC and a third party so it may be nothing to do with your supplier.
There have been a number of updates to the data system over the last few days due to the price updates from 1st Jan.
You can usually check your meter via the online form
It’s also worth noting that DCC has been smashed to pieces (again) in the last few days due to price cap stuff - it could just be that and if so, a temporary issue.
Thank you
The meter is working and the correct light flashing. It’s just that the readings on the app don’t correspond to the readings on the meter?
I’d give it a few more days and if things still don’t work, try . I’m in the view that this may just be a temporary thing though
Also the app is asking us to submit a reading yet if we try it says you have a smart meter so don’t need to..
I’ll just try calling them tomorrow
I do think as you suggest that it’s a computer failure at their end..
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Please try to keep the phone lines free for more urgent matters unless you absolutely must get in touch via phone - especially this week.
Out of curiosity checked my app and it appears I’m having the same issue. I see my IHD several times a day and according to that my smart meter works as usual. I would agree it’s probably to do with DCC. Fingers crossed it soon will be back to normal.
I wouldn’t care but for the fact Ovo are currently charging the property 3x as much as the daily usage normally is..
Ovo are currently charging the property 3x as much as the daily usage normally is..
Do you mean that your meter readings are increasing faster than usual? It’s only meter readings that count when it comes to charging you money for the energy you use. Usage data aren’t used for billing except for some add-ons like Charge Anytime, which doesn’t use the data transmitted via DCC.
I wouldn’t care but for the fact Ovo are currently charging the property 3x as much as the daily usage normally is..
What do you mean? You earlier said it doesn’t show readings. How it could charge you then? And how you got 3x number if readings are missing?
Did you manage to find your readings or are you still having issues with them?
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