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I just got a new smart meter installed on the 30th December 

this is a economy 10 smart meter to replace RTS meter  The tariff we had before the new smart meter was essentially economy 10 but called simpler energy but came on various points through the 24 hour period to a total of 10 off peak hours. 
now the meter has been changed, the meter and ihd3 knows it’s supposed to be an economy 10 meter and tariff. You can see on both when it changes to off peak times and these are in chunks through the 24 hr period as it should be for Scotland. But  now the storage heaters (quantum) only switch on at midnight and charge till 7am on the peak rate. I’ve checked the heaters and it now tells me (420) mins available when it used to be (510) and it still should be. Does this seem like a engineer issue or a ovo meter/tariff configuration issue? We have a engineer booked but he did not arrive. I’m assuming this is festive period problem and he will appear in the new year. :) 


Hi ​@marymcarter ,

It’s not an Engineer issue and isn’t strictly a Meter issue either. Fortunately, it’s an easy fix.

The solution to this one is actually usually pretty simple - but an engineer on-site is NOT the way to fix this. It’s something that OVO needs to do remotely - the only thing an Engineer can do is call OVO to request something that’s faster for you to request yourself.

Once OVO is back open, please ask the Support Team to ping the SMETS Commands for Update ECAUL/ALCS Configuration - this almost always fixes the exact issue you’re seeing.

Hope this helps!

Oh fabulous thank you, I believe they’re open tomorrow so will call in the morning. 


No worries. OVO will indeed be open tomorrow, but the Forum Moderators will almost certainly agree with me saying that the phone lines will probably get smashed to pieces. You might have a faster time via Live Chat at .

Alternatively, if you don’t mind waiting a few days, things should cool down a lot from Tuesday next week and you’ll get through faster.
