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Hi, I’m new to the forum and was wondering why electricity usage would fluctuate through the day from 0.0 to 0.32 when no one is in the house and there are only 3 applliances plugged in, 2 x freezer 1 x fridge?  All other sockets were off.

Hi ​@TheBap ,

Fridges and freezers don’t run continuously as that would be wasteful - they tend to turn on and off periodically to maintain the appropriate temperature. They’ll only run continuously when you first power them up so that they can cool themselves down from room temperature to the desired level - after that it flips to just periodical operation.

That’s what I suspect is happening here and is considered normal behaviour.

Hi Blastoise 186


Ahhhhh, thank you for clearing that up.

I can Blastoise has already given some helpful advice here ​@TheBap. Just popping by to add this topic which you might find helpful:


