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Since switching to a fixed-rate tariff last week, my Power Move page no longer shows me as ‘Joined’. Attempts to Join spring challenge are met with this:

I’m hoping this means that I’m still joined despite not having the little pink label, but I can’t get this confirmed. Any suggestions?

When I fixed in December it made no difference whatsoever to Power Move.

Your tariff should be irrelevant because PM goes off the kWh used, not what you are paying for them.

Thanks - that’s what I would expect. It’s just a trifle worrying that that silly little pink label isn’t there any more, and I’ve no way of finding out whether I’m still on track to earn the reward.

I was going to say you get a mid-month reminder that you are doing all right but I've realised we are past that point now. We like the convenience of on-line systems but sometimes they go wrong and no one can seemingly find out the status or have any idea how to fix it as they have got too darn complex.


As an example I completed my on line renewal of my driving licence and right near the end on the final page just before you pay it froze and wouldn't do anything. In trying to do it again it told me I wasn't eligible to complete this online. Do I get my licence or not? This is really important. A few days went by and I got an email to say I had renewed my licence. A few days after that I got a second letter asking me to return my cut up old licence which I had already done. It seems bridges have been burnt. I told them it had already been sent back. A few days later my new licence turned up. No money has been taken for this but doesn't compensate for the thought that I might have to do battle with the DVLA or get stopped for driving without a licence.


We are all held hostage to these amazingly complicated but flawed “labour saving” systems that cause varying degrees of stress or inconvenience and we simply have no choice. I fear that, like the potholes on our roads, it's never going to get any better. This is as good as it gets folks. Maybe you could employ a ‘Chatbot’ to be your champion to battle on your behalf against government department or company IT system. {MyRobotLawyer} (patented) system.

Hi @Firedog,


Did you manage to find out whether you’re still enrolled? Are you still experiencing this issue?

Hi Shads


Did you manage to find out whether you’re still enrolled? Are you still experiencing this issue?

No, and yes, I suppose. I couldn’t find out who to ask (Support suggested either the PAYG or the FiT team 🤔), so I decided just to wait and see what message if anything the PM people send me in the next couple of days. I’ve already spent the £10!


Hey @Firedog,


I’ll flag this internally. There may be a cut off for joining the challenge? 


Very odd indeed. I’ll see what the team advise. 

I spoke to the team & they suggested it may be a meter read frequency issue? 


… they suggested it may be a meter read frequency issue? 


No chance. The meter’s been churning out half-hourly data religiously since it was installed last year, and all the figures are there on my account pages - both Hh data and daily readings. 

I haven’t given up hope yet, because I understand the notifications are only just now being sent out. If mine says “your smart meter failed to send us readings at certain times, so we couldn’t see the full picture of your electricity use,” I think I’ll scream. 

Wait out!

I’ve had an update from the team @Firedog, you were right, it’s not your usage.


We know this is a live issue impacting some of our customers. We're working on a resolution to enable you to re-sign up again and we'll let those impacted know once this has been rectified.

Thanks for persevering. I can see here and there in the API that I am signed up for ‘spring challenge’ - just not on the website. I won’t take it lying down if it transpires that I was signed out of the challenge by some fault at OVO’s end - I’m comfortably in line for a £10 reward for May. 

I still haven’t had an email about the May challenge, but then nor am I seeing a credit on my billing page. I live in hope ...


Panic not over yet. The expected reward didn’t land in my account this (Friday) evening.

Still no email, but I did get two copies of the invitation to join Beyond, though, even though I joined some time ago and have been enjoying the new app for several weeks. 

OK, I’m now fairly certain that I was kicked out of the spring challenge. Whether this was linked to my change of tariff (variable > fixed) or not is debatable, but the two events happened the same day, so it’s not unthinkable.

Snooping around backstage when trying to sign up and seeing the error message, I find this:


    "errors": o


            "code": "conflict",

            "message": "7f6275ff-4e23-4678-9485-1117d8136a98: NotSmartMeter"





… which is of course nonsense. 

I’ve been jumping through all sorts of hoops to meet this challenge and the ones before it, to the extent that I’ve come to rely on getting the reward. I have all the data at my fingertips - acquired ultimately of course from my smart meter - so how do I get in touch with someone at PM to complain? 


Hey @Firedog


I’m sorry to hear this is still an issue for you. We’ll take this away to the team again and see what they come back with. If you can bear with us and we’ll look into the best way to get this resolved as quickly as possible! 

@ChristopherS_OVO You got mail!

Hey @Firedog 


Chris is well deservedly on his holidays!😎☀️ 


If you’ve sent something to Chris’ PMs feel free to send it over to me, Shads or Emmanuelle and we’ll take a look for you.🙂


I do know this is something the Power Move team are aware of and have been working on in the background.
