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Service Complaint - Advice needed!

  • 27 May 2024
  • 6 replies

It has takenĀ 5 years to get SSE/OVO to finally organise installation of a smart meter- eventually found out why.
When they sorted the change from SSE to OVO, they wrote my e-mail incorrectly. I had absolutely no say nor input in them swapping me to OVO, it was all handled on their end.
Why were they exchanging my address by word of mouth instead of simply copy-pasting it over?Ā 
Also learned they had incorrectly marked me as having a smart meter for both services.
Had to chase them over the course of 2 years to get 1 meter updated and the other actually installed as each time I was told ā€˜it will be sortedā€™, I heard nothing back and never had anyone contact me after to actually confirm anything.

When they updated my Electric meter, I had Ā£20~ on it. I left it 24 hours but my credit didnā€™t appear on the meter and I was running out, so I activated Emergency Credit and called support. They informed me theyā€™d set it up- a worker topped it up but didnā€™t reset the Emergency Credit.Ā 

Last week, my Gas was inexplicably shut off and I had to call out an engineer to fix it- after being asked to go in and out and shut off the gas valve, turn on the gas valve, turn off the trip switches (it was a huge hassle and I got fed up and asked for an Engineer which they, very reluctantly, finally sent one).Ā The Engineer couldnā€™t figure out the issue at first then changed my supply from prepayment to credit, without informing or asking me beforehand, and the Ā£65 I had on the meter before this change is now missing.
It's been a week since I sent an e-mail about this issue and they have not replied nor made any efforts to rectify the situation.

I have made no agreement to pay so Iā€™m unsure where or how they think theyā€™re going to get payment so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going to happen at the end of the month (assuming thatā€™s when theyā€™ll try to charge me for the service I didnā€™t agree to)

Where can I go to get professional help with this matter or speak to someone higher up to actually fix this mess? OVO at this point owes me Ā£65 and hell, compensation for the amount of stress caused wouldnā€™t go amiss because this is ridiculous.

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Iā€™m still reading the rest of your post, please bear with me.


When they sorted the change from SSE to OVO, they wrote my e-mail incorrectly. I had absolutely no say nor input in them swapping me to OVO, it was all handled on their end.

OVO took over SSE Energy Services from SSE Plc back in 2020, this is very well documented and was advertised for several years prior to the full migration kicking off. Everyone eventually had to be shifted - the agreement was that OVO could only use the SSE name/branding and systems for three years and the deal was that after that, the license would expire. Everyone had to be off of it by that point.

Userlevel 5

Hey @Polites,


Iā€™m sorry to read about the experience youā€™ve had.Ā 


Have you spoken with our Support Team yet? Theyā€™ll have access to your account and the engineers notes to find out why the meter was put into ā€œcredit modeā€. Theyā€™ll also be able to apply the credit you had on the pay as you go meter to your account.Ā 


Did the engineer change the meter or was it left the same meter and they managed to resolve the issues you were facing?Ā 


You can find our Complaint Handling Statement here,, along with more information on our complaints process here:


I hope this helps and you get things resolved soon!Ā 

Iā€™ve still had no response from OVO, the credit (amount owed) on the meter has reset with the new month and Iā€™ve had no bill, letter, call or e-mail regarding payment.


Until I owe them Ā£64 or more, Iā€™m going to sit and wait. Iā€™ve already sent an e-mail about the issue, wonā€™t be my fault if they donā€™t read them right?

(I know SSE was being changed to OVO, Iā€™m highlighting the concern that they input my e-mail incorrectly on their end when it was previously correct.)

Userlevel 5

Hey @Polites,


As we donā€™t have access to account information here, iā€™d suggest contacting our Support TeamĀ who can look into this further for you! You can call or live chat for a faster response or theyā€™re also available through Whatsapp on 0330 175 9695.Ā 





OVO finally noticed my meter was set incorrectly (likely due to no money reaching then).

They've set my meter back to Prepayment with a credit of Ā£30. (I have not used Ā£35 worth of gas, I have used Ā£16 at the most.)

Am I liable to pay for what was used during a service mode I did not agree to? Regardless the answer, I am still missing a good chunk of my actual credit.Ā 

Can anyone recommend a different provider? I'm actually done with OVO at this point.Ā 

Userlevel 4

Hi @Polites,


Iā€™m really sorry for the issues youā€™ve been experiencing, thatā€™s definitely not the experience we want for our customers.


Iā€™m going to have our Forum_Support team reach out to you so they can help you further with this.


Look out for a private message here soon:
