Wed, 2 Mar, 17:00 - 18:00

Our next online event: LIVE ‘Share your experience’ of heat pumps with 3 guest speakers

About this event

RSVP to our upcoming event


Heads up, we’ve got an upcoming event at the start of March, with 3 guest speakers!




The OVO Forum is hosting an online event with a new format: it’s a live ‘Share your experience’ session, with 3 guest speakers attending to talk to you about their lives since getting a heat pump installed in their home. Let’s hear a little bit about our guest speakers:


Our first guest speaker, Michael


Michael has been dreaming of a low-carbon home for 10 years. In 2021, he replaced his ageing gas boiler with a heat pump. For his segment, Michael will discuss the process from start to finish, the high and lows, and highlight some of the main lessons learnt on his journey for others who might be considering the same.


Grant is part of an OVO trial and an OVO forum member


Grant’s got a lot of experience with green tech (check out his Youtube channel here) and is keen to: “talk about Heat Pumps, our experience, the perfect set up (IMHO), steps before install with insulation .. and if there’s time, anything else about solar or battery storage.”


Sam aka Hydrosam is our final guest speaker


“I’m Sam, a Hydrometrist by day, that’s measuring the water cycle to inform flood warnings and regulate the water availability for the country. Outside of work I have a wonderful young(ish) family, I’m a Scout Leader and now an amateur heat pump enthusiast. 


About 18 months ago I was selected for the Carbon Zero Heating Trial with OVO Energy. 12 months ago I had a heat pump installed. I’ll talk through the journey I’ve been on from lows to highs and share what I think makes a heat pump run successfully.”




This 60 minute session will be jam-packed, with opportunities to ask the guest speakers questions! 


Each guest will have around 10 minutes to speak to the group, followed by up to 5 minutes at the end of each segment for attendees to ask them questions. We’re also hoping to allow around 15 minutes at the end for another Q&A. If you want to submit some questions for this Q&A ahead of time, we’ve set up a “Live share your experience’’ topic thread for this here: 





We’re using Google Meet again, which is free, cloud based (so no installs), admittance based and comes with some cool features!


Here’s the URL which you can simply copy and paste into your browser when the time comes:


It’s recommended that you log out of your Google account, or go ‘Incognito’ in your browser before joining, to avoid your Google account name being shown. No personnel information such as email addresses is visible, and you’re able to choose to have your video and microphone off/on before joining.





  • After we’ve all had a chance to say hello, we’ll ask that attendees mute their microphones and we’ll dive straight into the first guest speaker’s segment.

  • Our guest speakers will do their best to get to all pre-submitted questions in the Q&A section at the end, but there’s no promises there - let’s see how it goes! 

  • Please respect everyone’s right to be heard, to remain private (please use chosen names or forum user names), and to be free from abuse.





Please RSVP to this event so we can get an idea of numbers. We understand that things can come up and you might not be able to make it in the end, and that’s OK!


We appreciate the time of any attendees, and especially of our three guest speakers for taking the time to prepare some findings and conclusions and for sharing this with the group. 


We're really looking forward to this first LIVE ‘Share your experience’ and we hope you are too.



See you on the 2nd of March!

Event details
Online event
Wed, 2 Mar, 17:00 - 18:00 (UTC)