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hi guys

hope everyone is ok

i have a Dimplex storage heater qm050rf whch i have been using for the past 2 years. i switch it off when it is summer and switch it back on when in winter. it has been working for the past 2 years but now it seems to only blow out cold air.

i have never changed any settings and the date and time is right. i am aware that it could take 2 to 3 days to heat up but it has been over a week now.

the boost works. 

things i have tried:

factory restore

setted the timer to what time i want.

tried looking for the thermostat reset button but cannot see it.

i am really stuck on this matter.

hopefully someone can help

many thanks

p.s this is a dual installation heater.

here are some of the pictures of the wall plugs and controller display:


Others may be able to help more but is the black plug used for another appliance? (presumably) and have you checked the fuses in the wall switches?

thank you for the reply

the black plug is my motion camera.

its the 2 square wall socket with switch that is for the heater.

i have checked the left wall socket and that fuse is working but the other wall socket dotn have a fuse i dont think.

Can I suggest you phone Dimplex. They were very helpful when we had issues when our Quantums were installed.  They can work out the problem from the various screens you have photographed with lists of numbers.

Hey @froggy8


Thanks for including photos with your post it’s really helpful! It sounds like @Cassie511 has had a great experience when they called Dimplex are you able to give that a try? 


Let us know if you have any follow up questions! 

Thank you guys


Just tested downstairs one and that works.


Trying not to ring them as the reception over here is very bad!

Hey @froggy8 


It looks like you can submit a ‘ticket’ to Quantum, and avoid having to deal with bad reception (I know the feeling all too well!) 


It looks like a fairly short form that you can submit details of the issue and I believe they’ll get back to you via email. Let us know if you try that and how you get on. 


I know I’ve seen others have good experience with Quantum support on other threads too so hopefully they can get you sorted.

thank you guys

the electrician have changed it from dual supply cabel to single supply cable so all i had to do is set the charge time and now it works.

got couple of issues with both. the bedroom one blows heat through the back and goes upwards but before it was blowing at the bottom to the front. i dont recall seeing anything in the settings for it. 

You may already have this but the manual doesn’t mention air direction as far as I can see. There’s no directional blades which you’ve noticed are there (which might have been accidentally moved)?
