
final statement

I’ve got a flat which has prepaid meter which was left with a small credit on for the new tenants 

out of the blue a final statement arrived to me not the letting agent? 
no one at OVO any help

3 replies

Userlevel 7

A few things aren’t clear there, including whether you are moving in or moving out of this flat?

So it’s question time:
Have you moved out, or moved in?
If you have moved in then have you set up a new account with the supplier?
If you moved out has the final statement been delivered to your new address?
Is the final statement addressed to you by name or to ‘The Occupier’?
Was there a void period where the property was stood empty? (I realise you may not know that if you moved out).
Is the final statement from OVO - or as it’s a pre-payment meter is the statement from BOOST?
Is it a statement or is it a bill? ie Is it asking for a payment to be made?


If you are moving in then you need to set up an account to get the supply in your name.
You give them the meter reading(s) as they are on the date that your Tenancy starts (which may be before you actually move in) and should then only be liable for usage and the standing charge(s) after that.

If you are moving out then you submit the final meter reading(s) as they are when you move out and should then only be liable for the charges up to those readings on that date.

Obviously one or both of the above has been done for a ‘Final statement’ to be issued.

But of course there is often a ‘letting void’ the period between one person moving out and another moving in, anything used during those void periods, and the daily standing charge(s) is somebody’s responsibility to pay for.

Any credit left on a pre-payment meter during a void period will still be used up daily by the standing charge even if no energy is being used.
If there is no credit on the meter then they will build up as a debit to be paid later.

Responsible landlords will often get the supply put briefly into their name if there is going to be a long ‘letting void’, particularly if they are going to have workmen/cleaners in the property using electricity.
Then the incoming tenants get it put into their name when their tenancy agreement starts (or rather whichever is the earlier of when they move in or when the TA starts).
However if there is no letting void or only a day or two, or if the landlord just can’t be bothered, then it gets left for the incoming tenant to sort out.


Userlevel 6

Hi @Paul m 


Nukecad, one of our volunteers has left some really helpful advice already and has asked some questions that would help us get you to the right place as it’s quite difficult to get a full picture of what’s going on from what you’ve said.


Are you the landlord for the property and it’s usually a letting agency that deals with this or are you a new tennant.


It sounds like your details may have been found and attached to the account by our trace and search process.



If you could answer a few of the questions asked already, we’ll do our best to help.

Userlevel 7


Are you the landlord for the property and it’s usually a letting agency that deals with this or are you a new tennant.


Good point,

“I’ve got a flat” isn’t particularly clear about that.

I hadn’t entirely missed the possibility that @Paul m might also be the landlord rather than a tenant, the question about moving in or out should have captured it if/when answered.
With the minimal information that we have been given so far then being the LL is possible too.

If Paul is the landlord here then my comments about void periods would be the most relevant.
